Template:M summ EUA Annex Cost of Carry: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 15:56, 17 October 2023

What is going on here, then?

Should there be a Suspension Event, the person meaning to deliver the Allowances, and receive cash payment on date X cannot, and will therefore start to get anxious emails from her treasury department. Remember, at this point she wants cash, has (Q.E.D.) no interest in the Allowances, and through no fault of her own is out of pocket.

Therefore the Seller agrees to pay her a Cost of Carry Amount. This is essentially interest at an agreed rate on the Cash Payment that was due, for the duration of the the Suspension Event.

The funny thing is what happens if the Suspension Event has not lifted by the Long Stop Date. Here the transaction is deemed to be irretrievably broken — and, per the consensus of Carbon Squad, the Transaction should therefore be cancelled and just forotten about. Any amounts already paid must be refunded (except where Allowances were delivered against those payments), and everyone walks away and pretends it never happened. This is the “then I woke up and it was all a dream” method of disruption resolution.

This we find utterly extraordinary. Your Cost of Carry Amount accrues ... accrues ... accrues ... and then suddenly in a puff of illogic, on a completely arbitrary Long Stop Date, it just vanishes, along with, presumably, all the rest of the money you stumped up in good faith to finance some other so-and-so’s Allowance obligations. What on earth were they thinking?