ISDA Anatomy: Difference between revisions

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{{a|isda|}}{{isda clause table}}
{{a|isda|}}Here is the great landing page for the ISDA Master Agreement in all its beautiful articulations. There is a lot of information here, so the best thing to do is just dive in. In the table below, your gatewway to the in-depth clause-by-clause and subclause-by subclause analysis. Each page contains:
*The actual clause of the ISDA agreement
*Our plain-English “nutshell” summary of that clause
*A “comparison” section, summarising the differences between the corresponding clauses in the {{1992ma}} and the {{2002ma}}.
*A “summary” section, explaining what the clause does, how it works, frequent amendments to it, and controversies in the ISDA community.
*An optional “general” section, for those clauses of frequent controversy, going into a little more detail; and
*An even-more-optional “details” section, that dives into the paranoid beating heart of ISDA Ninjery — though this is reserved for really special occasions
{{isda clause table}}