EU Emissions Anatomy: Difference between revisions

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{{A|emissions|{{subtable|{{Emissions Allowance - FWMD}}}}}}
{{A|emissions|{{subtable|{{Emissions Allowance - FWMD}}}}}}Here is the JC’s latest [[Anatomy]]{{tm}}: [[ISDA]]’s emissions annex. This is a sort of add on to the {{commoddefs}}, and you sort of get the sense it is a bit more of a moving feast, and a bit more hesitant, than {{icds}}’s usual work, which may be bloody-minded and pedantic, but is at least thorough, comprehensive, and rooted in some kind of logic, however perverse. This one — not so much.
Now that may well be partly our fault: we read this cold, without the benefit of having seen its evolution, and without much knowledge of the competing products (the International Emissions Trading Association’s master agreement, for example). We’ll maybe get on to that.
Part [•]. '''{{euaprov|EU Emissions Allowance Transactions}}''' <br>
Part [•]. '''{{euaprov|EU Emissions Allowance Transactions}}''' <br>
{{euaprov|(a)}} '''{{euaprov|Scope}}''' <br>
{{euaprov|(a)}} '''{{euaprov|Scope}}''' <br>