Default Under Specified Transaction - ISDA Provision: Difference between revisions

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==Sharepoint Reference==
==Section 5(a)(v) {{1992ma}}==
(v) '''''Default under {{isdaprov|Specified Transaction}}.''''' The party, any {{isdaprov|Credit Support Provider}} of such party or
any applicable {{isdaprov|Specified Entity}} of such party
(1) defaults under a {{isdaprov|Specified Transaction}} and, after giving effect to any applicable notice requirement
or [[grace period]], there occurs a liquidation of, an acceleration of obligations under, or an early termination
of, that {{isdaprov|Specified Transaction}},
(2) defaults, after giving effect to any applicable notice requirement or grace period, in making any payment
or delivery due on the last payment, delivery or exchange date of, or any payment on early termination
of, a {{isdaprov|Specified Transaction}} (or such default continues for at least three Local Business Days if there
is no applicable notice requirement or grace period) or
(3) disaffirms, disclaims, repudiates or rejects, in whole or in part, a {{isdaprov|Specified Transaction}} (or such
action is taken by any person or entity appointed or empowered to operate it or act on its behalf);
==Section 5(v) {{2002ma}}==
(v) ''Default Under Specified Transaction''. The party, any [[Credit Support Provider]] of such party or any applicable
Specified Entity of such party:―
(l) defaults (other than by failing to make a delivery) under a [[Specified Transaction]] or any credit support arrangement
relating to a Specified Transaction and, after giving effect to any applicable notice requirement or grace period, such
default results in a liquidation of, an acceleration of obligations under, or an early termination of, that Specified
(2) defaults, after giving effect to any applicable notice requirement or grace period, in making any payment due on the
last payment or exchange date of, or any payment on early termination of, a Specified Transaction (or, if there is no
applicable notice requirement or [[grace period]], such default continues for at least one Local [[Business Day]]);
(3) defaults in making any delivery due under (including any delivery due on the last delivery or exchange date of) a
Specified Transaction or any credit support arrangement relating to a Specified Transaction and, after giving effect to
any applicable notice requirement or grace period, such default results in a liquidation of, an acceleration of obligations
under, or an early termination of, all transactions outstanding under the documentation applicable to that Specified
Transaction; or
(4) disaffirms, disclaims, repudiates or rejects, in whole or in part, or challenges the validity of, a Specified
Transaction or any credit support arrangement relating to a Specified Transaction that is, in either case, confirmed or
evidenced by a document or other confirming evidence executed and delivered by that party, Credit Support Provider or
Specified Entity (or such action is taken by any person or entity appointed or empowered to operate it or act on its
