Maxims for a happy life: Difference between revisions

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[[Coin metaphors]]. Be figurative.
[[Coin metaphors]]. Be figurative.

Be predator, not prey. Don't be a victim. Own your predicament, don't whine about it. See also : don't talk your own book.
Be predator, not prey. Don’t be a victim. Own your predicament, don’t whine about it. See also : don’t talk your own book.

[[Beware of shorthand]]: Experts use [[heuristics]] to exploit knowledge they gave already acquired. Charlatans use heuristics instead of it.  
[[Beware of shorthand]]: Experts use [[heuristics]] to exploit knowledge they gave already acquired. Charlatans use heuristics instead of it.  
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If you’re a man, [[be masculine]]. Don’t apologise for who you are.
If you’re a man, [[be masculine]]. Don’t apologise for who you are.

[[It's just a game]]: If you derive a significant part of your self-worth from the fortunes of a dozen well-paid me  you've never met and over whom you have no influence, ask whether there's something missing in your life.
[[It’s just a game]]: If you derive a significant part of your self-worth from the fortunes of a dozen well-paid me  you’ve never met and over whom you have no influence, ask whether there’s something missing in your life.

[[Don't be easily shocked]]: it's called the shock of the new for a reason. Shock value isn't the same as stock value. The longer something's been around, the more crap it has put up with, and the more likely it is to be worthwhile.  
[[Don’t be easily shocked]]: it’s called the shock of the new for a reason. Shock value isn’t the same as stock value. The longer something’s been around, the more crap it has put up with, and the more likely it is to be worthwhile.  

It's okay to generalise. It's okay to stereotype. That's how humans work. We apply [[heuristic]]s. Just be aware that you're doing it. Sometimes generalisations are unfair. Sometimes they fail. Remember they are provisional. It's okay for others to stereotype you too. Deal with it. It's not like you'll be able to stop them.  
It’s okay to generalise. It’s okay to stereotype. That’s how humans work. We apply [[heuristic]]s. Just be aware that you’re doing it. Sometimes generalisations are unfair. Sometimes they fail. Remember they are provisional. It’s okay for others to stereotype you too. Deal with it. It’s not like you’ll be able to stop them.  

There are no outsized risks or rewards at the top of the curve. They are down the tail.
There are no outsized risks or rewards at the top of the curve. They are down the tail.

It's not just "not all heroes wear capes". [[Heroes don’t wear capes|Heroes ''don’t'' wear capes]].  
It’s not just "not all heroes wear capes". [[Heroes don’t wear capes|Heroes ''don’t'' wear capes]].  

[[Don't be needy]]. Walk up escalators. Give up your seat.
[[Don’t be needy]]. Walk up escalators. Give up your seat.

Change direction by 5, not 45, degrees. But lock in the change. Rome wasn't built in a day - but it ''was'' built.  a 5% change is less volatile, more sustainable, more controllable. see evolution: optimal degree of ariability. If you vary to much, you'll change away the good stuff.
Change direction by 5, not 45, degrees. But lock in the change. Rome wasn’t built in a day - but it ''was'' built.  a 5% change is less volatile, more sustainable, more controllable. see evolution: optimal degree of ariability. If you vary to much, you’ll change away the good stuff.

[[Play two-touch football]]. Make five yard passes. But for god’s sake [[pass the ball]]. Don’t try to be a hero.
[[Pass the ball]]

[[This time isn't different]]. The laws of physics, finance and economics still apply. Even with [[blockchain]]. Just as they did in the dot com boom and the global financial crisis.
[[This time isn’t different]]. The laws of physics, finance and economics still apply. Even with [[blockchain]]. Just as they did in the dot com boom and the global financial crisis.

The Dead Poet's Rule: [[There's no machine for judging poetry]].
The Dead Poet’s Rule: [[There’s no machine for judging poetry]].

===[[The pitch]]===
===[[The pitch]]===
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*[[Harden up]]. Sticks and stones.  
*[[Harden up]]. Sticks and stones.  
*[[Be careful in what you wish for]] - on this score, [[if you want to get to the Olympics, take up curling]].
*[[Be careful in what you wish for]] - on this score, [[if you want to get to the Olympics, take up curling]].
====What you've got====
====What you’ve got====
*[[Don’t be selfish]].  
*[[Don’t be selfish]].  
*[[Share]]. Give freely of what you have and know, to those who need it.
*[[Share]]. Give freely of what you have and know, to those who need it.