As of September 2017, a brand new buzzword alert: "parable".

Context: "are you framing this[1] as a parable to draw from for this new transaction?"

Meaning: parallel, analogy, comparison.

Bonus point for being biblical. But also for sheer degree of difficulty. This takes you right to the knife edge of mockery: You must to deliver with whole-hearted conviction, certitude and a self-confidence which is beyond most non-Americans, lest your conversational partner collapses in laughter.

“I’m reminded of the parable of the nine virgins. Eight of them were wise, and used their tin-openers diligently, but the ninth was a clumsy, loud-mouthed virgin who kept wittering on abou —”
—The Very Reverend Andy Simpson, NTNOCN

See also


  1. For example successfully executed pledge structure, for example,