The past is not found to the future. It is mainly comprised of dead ends

A futures specialist
In which the curmudgeonly old sod puts the world to rights.
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Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. And remember, my friend: future events, such as these, will affect you in the future.

Criswell, Plan 9 From Outer Space

Extrapolating where the future is going from the past is un wise. This is to play a finite tactic in an infinite game.

Letting your assumptions about the past — especially your injustices, and setting about correcting them — colour your approach to the future ensures your future will be like your past.

This history of the world is stuffed with injustice. Few people in the history of the world cannot tell you a story about how they were done wrong

See also