Asset managers will often proudly declare that at no time, in no circumstances, can they ever be personally liable for transactions they instruct on behalf of their clients. as a general proposition you can see what they're trying to say but it isn't quite that straightforward.
Where the manager instructs the transaction first and allocates it to a given client later — which is usually how managers like to carry on — this puts a dealer in an invidious position in between times. For a dealer cannot reject a trade against the street once it has executed it.
- The dealer must carry out the transaction regardless of whether the manager allocates to its client. Therefore the dealer is exposed to market risk immediately. That market risk is for the manager′s client’s account.
- If the manager has not disclosed the client′s identity to the dealer, as its agent the manager has two options. It can either:
is in fact performance of an agency role, but economically (from the dealer′s perspective) it is identical to a principal obligation.