Template:M summ IETA PTA Quantity

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Whatever your documentation regime, you will need a means to designate how many Allowances you are planning to trade.

It ought not be a hard concept to label, and it should not differ from agreement to agreement but, for reasons best known to themselves, the three Carbon Squads could, ir did, not contrive a common terminology between them, even though they managed to in many other areas where you rather wish they hadn’t.

It is what it is; we quite like ISDA’s unusually colloquial “Number of Allowances”; EFET’s “Contract Quantity”, while a bit starchier, isn’t bad, but “PTA Quantity” borders on the perverse. What is this? A parent teacher association?

In any case, to make life easier for you, dear reader, in these pages, where the interests of doubt reduction recommend it, we might here and there refer generally to an “Allowance Quantity” meaning whichever of the above applies, and this will redirect to the correct term in each case.