Template:Csa transferor and pledgor

English law CSAs

To only a lawyer would it occur to even define an idea as self-explanatory as a “transferor”, and to only ISDA would it occur to define it quite so obliquely. So helplessly. So unenlighteningly. If you were an alien, just recently arrived to say a big hello to the people of planet Earth, and you were thumbing through your Berlitz™ Alpha-Centauri/English phrasebook for a sense of what a transferor might be, we think you would be a bit disappointed if it said, “if we’re talking about a transferee — well, not that guy.”

1994 NY CSAs

In the security financial collateral arrangement world of the 1994 NY CSA one speaks not of Transferor and Transferee, but of Pledgor and Secured Party, whose definitions are less obtuse, but do invite one on the kind of definitional wild goose chase that is tremendously ennervating when your counterparty is corkscrewing into the side of a hill, the world is on flames, and the head of risk is calling you every fourteen seconds.