Template:EFET Allowance Annex 8.5(b)

(b) Where Seller fails to Transfer to the Buyer the Contract Quantity in whole or in part on a Delayed Delivery Date and such failure is not excused by an event of Force Majeure, another Suspension Event or the Buyer’s non-performance, Buyer’s Cover Costs shall consist of the aggregate of the following elements:
(i) Buyer’s Cover Costs, as provided in either:
(a) § 8.1(b)(i) of this Allowances Appendix; or,
(b) where an EEP or EEP Equivalent has been made applicable to an Allowance Transaction and has arisen, § 8.1(b)(ii) of this Allowance Appendix;
in either case, reduced by
(ii) the Default Cost of Carry Amount;