Template:Isda Credit Support Document premium

Don’t confuse a Credit Support Deed with a Credit Support Document

  • An English law CSA is not a Credit Support Document...
  • But a New York law CSA is a Credit Support Document... — AND SERIOUSLY HOW CAN THEY BE DIFFERENT? Is the ’squad just doing this to annoy everyone?
  • And an English law Credit Support Deed? That’s a Credit Support Document too? — Hang on, does the English Law Credit Support Deed have a different “Credit Support Document” status to an English Law Credit Support Annex? WHAT?! It does?
  • Guarantees and why Transaction-specific guarantees under ISDA don’t work
  • What is the actual difference? Does it matter? What happens if you do designate a CSA as a Credit Support Document when you should not have, or when you don’t designate as a Credit Support Document a credit support arrangement when you should have?

    So much ninjery.