Template:ISDA Master Agreement 1987 14

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14 Definitions
As used in this Agreement:-
Affected Party” has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).
Affected Transactions” means (a) with respect to any Termination Event consisting of an Illegality, Tax Event or Tax Event Upon Merger, all Swap Transactions affected by the occurrence of such Termination Event and (b) with respect to any other Termination Event, all Swap Transactions.
Affiliate” means, subject to Part 4 of the Schedule, in relation to any person, any entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by the person, any entity that controls, directly or indirectly, the person or any entity under common control with the person. For this purpose, “control” of any entity or person means ownership of a majority of the voting power of the entity or person.
Burdened Party” has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).
Business Day” means (a) in relation to any payment due under Section 2(a)(i), a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets are open for business in the place(s) specified in the relevant Confirmation and (b) in relation to any other payment, a day on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets are open for business in the place where the relevant account is located and, if different, in the principal financial centre of the currency of such payment.
Change in Tax Law” means the enactment, promulgation, execution or ratification of, or any change in or amendment to, any law (or in the application or official interpretation of any law) that occurs on or after the date on which the relevant Swap Transaction is entered into.
consent” includes a consent, approval, action, authorisation, exemption, notice, filing, registration or exchange control consent.

5(b)(iv) Credit Event Upon Merger. If “Credit Event Upon Merger” is specified in Part I of the Schedule as applying to the party, such party (“X”) consolidates or amalgamates with, or merges into, or transfers all or substantially all its assets to, another entity and such action does not constitute an event described in Section 5(a)(viii) but the creditworthiness of the resulting, surviving or transferee entity (which will be the Affected Party) is materially weaker than that of X immediately prior to such action.

Credit Support Document” means any agreement or instrument which is specified as such in this Agreement.
Default Rate” means a rate per annum equal to the cost (without proof or evidence of any actual cost) to the relevant payee (as certified by it) of funding the relevant amount plus I% per annum.
Defaulting Party” has the meaning specified in Section 6(a).
Early Termination Date” means the date specified as such in a notice given under Section 6(a) or 6(b)(iv).
Event of Default” has the meaning specified in Section 5(a).

(i) Illegality. Due to the adoption of, or any change in, any applicable law after the date on which such Swap Transaction is entered into, or due to the promulgation of, or any change in, the interpretation by any court, tribunal or regulatory authority with competent jurisdiction of any applicable law after such date, it becomes unlawful (other than as a result of a breach by the party of Section 4(b)) for such party (which will be the Affected Party):-
(1) to perform any absolute or contingent obligation to make a payment or to receive a payment in respect of such Swap Transaction or to comply with any other material provision of this Agreement relating to such Swap Transaction; or
(2) to perform, or for any applicable Specified Entity to perform, any contingent or other obligation which the party (or such Specified Entity) has under any Credit Support Document relating to such Swap Transaction;

Indemnifiable Tax” means any Tax other than a Tax that would not be imposed in respect of a payment under this Agreement but for a present or former connection between the jurisdiction of the government or taxation authority imposing such Tax and the recipient of such payment or a person related to such recipient (including, without limitation, a connection arising from such recipient or related person being or having been a citizen or resident of such jurisdiction, or being or having been organised, present or engaged in a trade or business in such jurisdiction, or having or having had a permanent establishment or fixed place of business in such jurisdiction, but excluding a connection arising solely from such recipient or related person having executed, delivered, performed its obligations or received a payment under, or enforced, this Agreement or a Credit Support Document).
law” includes any treaty, law, rule or regulation (as modified, in the case of tax matters, by the practice of any relevant governmental revenue authority) and “lawful” and “unlawful” will be construed accordingly.
Loss” means, with respect to a Terminated Transaction and a party, an amount equal to the total amount (expressed as a positive amount) required, as determined as of the relevant Early Termination Date (or, if an Early Termination Date is deemed to occur, as of a time as soon thereafter as practicable) by the party in good faith, to compensate it for any losses and costs (including loss of bargain and costs of funding but excluding legal fees and other out-of-pocket expenses) that it may incur as a result of the early termination of the obligations of the parties in respect of such Terminated Transaction. If a party determines that it would gain or benefit from such early termination, such party's Loss will be an amount (expressed as a negative amount) equal to the amount of the gain or benefit as determined by such party.
Market Quotation” means, with respect to a Terminated Transaction and a party to such Terminated Transaction making the determination, an amount (which may be negative) determined on the basis of quotations from Reference Market-makers for the amount that would be or would have been payable on the relevant Early Termination Date, either by the party to the Terminated Transaction making the determination (to be expressed as a positive amount) or to such party (to be expressed as a negative amount), in consideration of an agreement between such party and the quoting Reference Market-maker and subject to such documentation as they may in good faith agree, with the relevant Early Termination Date as the date of commencement of such agreement (or, if later, the date specified as the effective date of such Terminated Transaction in the relevant Confirmation), that would have the effect of preserving for such party the economic equivalent of the payment obligations of the parties under Section 2(a)(i) in respect of such Terminated Transaction that would, but for the occurrence of the relevant Early Termination Date, fall due after such Early Termination Date (excluding any Unpaid Amounts in respect of such Terminated Transaction but including, without limitation, any amounts that would, but for the occurrence of the relevant Early Termination Date, have been payable (assuming each applicable condition precedent had been satisfied) after such Early Termination Date by reference to any period in which such Early Termination Date occurs). The party making the determination (or its agent) will request each Reference Market-maker to provide its quotation to the extent practicable as of the same time (without regard to different time zones) on the relevant Early Termination Date (or, if an Early Termination Date is deemed to occur, as of a time as soon thereafter as practicable). The time as of which such quotations are to be obtained will, if only one party is obliged to make a determination under Section 6(e), be selected in good faith by that party and otherwise will be agreed by the parties. If more than three such quotations are provided, the Market Quotation will be the arithmetic mean of the Termination Currency Equivalent of the quotations, without regard to the quotations having the highest and lowest values. If exactly three such quotations are provided, the Market Quotation will be the quotation remaining after disregarding the quotations having the highest and lowest values. If fewer than three quotations are provided, it will be deemed that the Market Quotation in respect of such Terminated Transaction cannot be determined.
Office” has the meaning specified in Section 10.
Potential Event of Default” means any event which, with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.
Reference Market-makers” means four leading dealers in the relevant swap market selected by the party determining a Market Quotation in good faith (a) from among dealers of the highest credit standing which satisfy all the criteria that such party applies generally at the time in deciding whether to offer or to make an extension of credit and (b) to the extent practicable, from among such dealers having an office in the same city.
Relevant Jurisdiction” means, with respect to a party, the jurisdictions (a) in which the party is incorporated, organised, managed and controlled or considered to have its seat, (b) where a branch or office through which the party is acting for purposes of this Agreement is located, (c) in which the party executes this Agreement and (d) in relation to any payment, from or through which such payment is made.
Scheduled Payment Date” means a date on which a payment is due under Section 2(a)(i) with respect to a Swap Transaction.
Settlement Amount” means, with respect to a party and any Early Termination Date, the sum of: -

(a) the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Market Quotations (whether positive or negative) for each Terminated Transaction for which a Market Quotation is determined; and
(b) for each Terminated Transaction for which a Market Quotation is not, or cannot be, determined, the Termination Currency Equivalent of such party's Loss (whether positive or negative);

provided that if the parties agree that an amount may be payable under Section 6(e) to a Defaulting Party by the other party, no account shall be taken of a Settlement Amount expressed as a negative number.
Specified Entity” has the meaning specified in Part I of the Schedule.
Specified Indebtedness” means, subject to Part I of the Schedule, any obligation (whether present or future, contingent or otherwise, as principal or surety or otherwise) in respect of borrowed money.
Specified Swap” means, subject to Part I of the Schedule, any rate swap or currency exchange transaction now existing or hereafter entered into between one party to this Agreement (or any applicable Specified Entity) and the other party to this Agreement (or any applicable Specified Entity).
Stamp Tax” means any stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax.
Tax” means any present or future tax, levy, impost, duty, charge, assessment or fee of any nature (including interest, penalties and additions thereto) that is imposed by any government or other taxing authority in respect of any payment under this Agreement other than a stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax.
Tax Event” has the meaning specified in Section 5(b).

5(b)(iii) Tax Event Upon Merger. The party (the “Burdened Party”) on the next succeeding Scheduled Payment Date will either (1) be required to pay an additional amount in respect of an Indemnifiable Tax under Section 2(d)(i)(4) (except in respect of interest under Section 2(e)) or (2) receive a payment from which an amount has been deducted or withheld for or on account of any Indemnifiable Tax in respect of which the other party is not required to pay an additional amount, in either case as a result of a party consolidating or amalgamating with, or merging into, or transferring all or substantially all its assets to, another entity (which will be the Affected Party) where such action does not constitute an event described in Section 5(a)(viii); or

Terminated Transactions” means (a) with respect to any Early Termination Date occurring as a result of a Termination Event, all Affected Transactions and (b) with respect to any Early Termination Date occurring as a result of an Event of Default, all Swap Transactions, which in either case are in effect as of the time immediately preceding the effectiveness of the notice designating such Early Termination Date (or, in the case of an Event of Default specified in Section 5(a)(vii), in effect as of the time immediately preceding such Early Termination Date).
Termination Currency” has the meaning specified in Part I of the Schedule.
Termination Currency Equivalent” means, in respect of any amount denominated in the Termination Currency, such Termination Currency amount and, in respect of any amount denominated in a currency other than the Termination Currency (the “Other Currency”), the amount in the Termination Currency determined by the party making the relevant determination as being required to purchase such amount of such Other Currency as at the relevant Early Termination Date with the Termination Currency at the rate equal to the spot exchange rate of the foreign exchange agent (selected as provided below) for the purchase of such Other Currency with the Termination Currency at or about 11.00 a.m. (in the city in which such foreign exchange agent is located) on such date as would be customary for the determination of such a rate for the purchase of such Other Currency for value the relevant Early Termination Date. The foreign exchange agent will, if only one party is obliged to make a determination under Section 6(e), be selected in good faith by that party and otherwise will be agreed by the parties.
Termination Event” means an Illegality, a Tax Event, a Tax Event Upon Merger or a Credit Event Upon Merger.
Unpaid Amounts” owing to any party means, with respect to any Early Termination Date, the aggregate of the amounts that became due and payable (or that would have become due and payable but for Section 2(a)(iii) or the designation or occurrence of such Early Termination Date) to such party under Section 2(a)(i) in respect of all Terminated Transactions by reference to all periods ended on or prior to such Early Termination Date and which remain unpaid as at such Early Termination Date, together with (to the extent permitted under applicable law and in lieu of any interest calculated under Section 2(e)) interest thereon, in the currency of such amounts, from (and including) the date such amounts became due and payable or would have become due and payable to (but excluding) such Early Termination Date, calculated as follows:-

(a) in the case of notice of an Early Termination Date given as a result of an Event of Default:-
(i) interest on such amounts due and payable by a Defaulting Party will be calculated at the Default Rate; and
(ii) interest on such amounts due and payable by the other party will be calculated at a rate per annum equal to the cost to such other party (as certified by it) if it were to fund such amounts (without proof or evidence of any actual cost); and
(b) in the case of notice of an Early Termination Date given as a result of a Termination Event, interest on such amounts due and payable by either party will be calculated at a rate per annum equal to the arithmetic mean of the cost (without proof or evidence of any actual cost) to each party (as certified by such party and regardless of whether due and payable by such party) if it were to fund or of funding such amounts.

Such amounts of interest will be calculated on the basis of daily compounding and the actual number of days elapsed.