Template:IETA Master Agreement 18: Revision history

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12 July 2023

  • curprev 13:0913:09, 12 July 2023 Amwelladmin talk contribs 9,419 bytes +9,419 Created page with "{{ietaprov|18}} '''{{ietaprov|Miscellaneous}}'''<br> {{ietaprov|18.1}} '''{{ietaprov|Waiver}}'''. No waiver by either Party of any breach by the other of this {{ietaprov|Agreement}} operates unless expressly made in writing, and any such waiver is not to be construed as a waiver of any other breach.<br> {{ietaprov|18.2}} '''Variation'''. No variation to the provisions of this {{ietaprov|Agreement}} is valid unless it is in writing and signed by each Party.<br> {{ietaprov..."