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{{a|dictionary|{{subtable|<categorytree mode="pages" namespaces="Main">Dictionary</categorytree>}}}}Splendid American wag [[Amrose Bierce]] published, to great acclaim, a {{br|Devil’s Dictionary}} a hundred years or so ago, thus inaugurating a fine tradition of subversive glossaries: {{author|Douglas Adams}} and John Lloyd’s {{br|The Deeper Meaning of Liff}} being one, and the online ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20160329201423/http://www.margrabe.com/ Devil’s Derivatives Dictionary]  — dating back to 2001 — being another. It has been put out to pasture now, and since, the world of finance has moved on in 20 years, here is our contribution to the venerable tradition.
{{a|dictionary|{{subtable|<categorytree mode="pages" namespaces="Main">Dictionary</categorytree>}}}}Splendid American wag [[Amrose Bierce]] published, to great acclaim, a {{br|Devil’s Dictionary}} a hundred years or so ago, thus inaugurating a fine tradition of subversive glossaries: {{author|Douglas Adams}} and John Lloyd’s {{br|The Deeper Meaning of Liff}} being one, and William Margrabe’s online ''[https://web.archive.org/web/20160329201423/http://www.margrabe.com/ Devil’s Derivatives Dictionary]'' — dating back to 2001 — being another. Margrabe’s excellent resource has long since been put out to pasture and has fallen fallow now, and since the world of finance has moved on in 20 years, here is our contribution to the venerable tradition.