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{{a|devil}} Newsletter cribnotes
{{a|devil}}Newsletter cribnotes

===[[Modernism]], formalism===
===[[Modernism]], formalism===
Vertex Vs  edge
*Vertex versus edge
Text vs meaning
*Text versus meaning
Formal versus informal
*Formal versus informal
Tool versus application
*Tool versus application
Innate Vs emergent
*Innate versus emergent
Obvious versus subtle
*Obvious versus subtle
Simple versus complex
*Simple versus complex
Quantitative Vs qualitative
*Quantitative wersus qualitative
Calculated versus interpreted
*Calculated versus interpreted
Static versus dynamic
*Static versus dynamic
Noun versus verb
*Noun versus verb
Trees v wood
*Trees versus wood
Permanent versus emphemeral
Permanent versus ephemeral

====Illusion of permanence====
====The illusion of permanence and the Ship of Theseus====
*'''[[Ship of Theseus]]''':We see that even many of the markers we treat as permit are in fact temporary Colin the dread Pirate Roberts affect: the personnel populating a corporation change from time to time. The corporations devotion to the formal memes that successive individuals are progressively more constrained.
We see that even many of the markers we treat as formal, fixed and permanent are really temporary: the Dread Pirate Roberts effect: the personnel comprising a corporation ''change'' over time. Likewise institutions: corporations merge, change business models, change locations, move into different markets. IBM of 2021 is very different from the IBM of 1971.

Likewise institutions comma corporations merge comedy,, change business models, moving to different markets.
But the individuals may be fleeting and transitory; the residue they leave behind is not: The corporation’s devotion to the [[Form|formal]] means that successive individuals become progressively constrained by their predecessors actions and decisions — even if, in the mean time the dynamic considerations that led to the decision no longer prevail. A rule that has been there for a long time, but that no-one knows the provenance of, acquires a kind of mystical quality. I think this is the inverse of the “Lindy effect”.

====The illusion of significance====
====The illusion of significance====
Because we can see the formal structures easily we tend to attribute significance to them and the relationships between them full stop for example the organisation chart: this places every person in a firm in a logical relationship to everyone else comma and can be neatly and easily controlled, that's not to say many organisation charts become positively Byzantine.
Because we can see the formal structures easily we tend to attribute them with significance, and assume the static connections between the formal structures are what matters. For example the [[org chart]]: this places every person in a firm in a logical, hierarchical relationship to everyone else, and can be neatly and easily controlled, that's not to say many organisation charts become positively Byzantine.

There is much management theory around optimal organisation charts no more than 5 layers of management; no more than 5 direct reports and so on. But this is largely to miss the map for the territory. Often the reporting lines of the most sclerotic interactions in the entire organisation and it's entirely missus the lateral communications and interactions that make up the firms actual day-to-day operations. Perfect fit blinds are more interaction constraint rather than indicators of interaction. An organisation chart is a static map of firm as it is configured before interacting or doing anything. They are the plan that everyone has before and gets punched in the face.
There is much management theory around optimal organisation charts no more than 5 layers of management; no more than 5 direct reports and so on. This, from [,really%20hold%20the%20business%20back People Puzzles], is pretty funny:

They are the thing that largely impedes the firm from interacting freely konan last observation that agile requires the removal of layers, this establishment of silos, and the decluttering of the organisational structure. For a modernist, this is inevitably a scary prospect: the modernist Theory is that the machine can be centrally controlled from the top; therefore the more organisational structure the better.
<small>{{quote|'''How many is too many?''' <br>Around five direct reports seems to be the optimum number, according to Mark and Alison, although there are some scenarios where up to nine can work.<br>When it comes to the senior team in a company, however, too many people reporting directly to the owner manager can really hold the business back. Alison recalls working with someone who had 13 people reporting directly to her. “She had to do 13 [[Performance appraisal|appraisals]] at the end of every year!” she says. “It simply wasn’t an effective use of her time.”}}</small>

The agile Theory is that both risks and opportunities arise unexpectedly, emerge from places unanticipated by a management structure comma and therefore the design principle is to allow people at the the coalface maximum flexibility 2 to reacts to those risks and opportunities. That's the imperative is to have the best people with the best equipment at the coalface. Compared to the modernist view, which is that as long as the structure is correct the quality of the people in any of the positions on the organisational structure is immaterial as they have predefined roles to perform.
But this is largely to miss the map for the territory. An organisation chart is just that: a static map of the firm as it is configured ''before'' interacting or doing anything. They are the plan that the organisation has ''before it gets punched in the mouth''. Often reporting lines are the most sclerotic, rusty and resented interaction channels in the organisation. Focussing on them misses the lateral communications and interactions that make up the firm’s actual day-to-day operations: these are the communications that employees ''must'' make to get their job done and move the organisation along. These interactions necessarily cross siloes (communications between specialists in the firm), and transgress the firm’s own hermetic boundaries (communications with clients and suppliers). These interactions are where things happen: where tensions manifest themselves, problems emerge and opportunities arise.  

So to understand a business one needs not understand it's formal structure, but it's informal structure home other people you need to get things done semicolon to break through logjam, to ensure people are on side? These lines will not show up in any organisational structure.
Typically, ''vertical'', staff-to-manager communications don’t have those qualities. Reporting lines are more an interaction ''constraint'' rather than an indicator of productivity. They ''impede'' the firm from interacting freely.
They are not what James c Scott would describe as legible.

The [[modernist]] theory is that the firm is a unitary machine that must be centrally managed and controlled from the top; therefore the more organisational structure the better.
Talking Politics with Adam Curtis

The idea that the truth is in the patterns in the days that human cannot even see.
The “agilist” advocates removing layers, disestablishing silos, and decluttering the organisational structure.

Money as an abstract token of value that has no intrinsic value
The agile theory is that risks and opportunities both arise unexpectedly, come from places unanticipated by the formal management structure, and therefore the optimal organising principle is to allow talented people at the the coalface the maximum flexibility to react to those risks and opportunities. Thus, the imperative is to have the best people, with the best equipment, in the best place to react skilfully. Those people aren’t middle managers, the optimal equipment isn’t the one that leaves the best audit trail, and that place is not the board room, much less the [[steering committee]] or the [[operating committee]]. It is out there in the jungle. the fewest number of formal impediments to their creative use by those people.

Advertising generates economic production, rather than economic production generating advertising.
For a [[modernist]], this is inevitably a scary prospect. The [[modernist]] view is that as long as the structure is correct the quality of the people in any of the positions on the organisational structure is immaterial as they have predefined roles to perform.
===Robot Nirvana===
Why the emergence of [[artificial intelligence]] that can write its own Nirvana tunes tells less about our future than thought leaders think it does.

{{Quote|''Over The Bridge, a mental health awareness organisation, has created The Lost Tapes Of The 27 Club, a compilation of songs generated by [[AI]]. The four songs mimic the tonal qualities of Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison, imagining what music by the artists were like '''had they not passed away'''.''}}
So to understand a business one needs not understand its formal structure, but its ''informal'' structure: not the roles but the people who fill them: who are the key people whom others go to to help get things done; to break through logjams, to ensure the management is on side? These lines will not show up in any organisational structure. They are not what {{author|James C. Scott}} would describe as legible. They are hard to see: they are the beaten tracks through the jungle: the neural pathways that light up when the machine is thinking. They show up in email traffic, phone records, swipcode data.

Have a listen [ to the video].<ref>Oddly, the official tracks have been pulled from Spotify and YouTube. </ref> It’s a clever forgery — it’s got the inexpert syncopations, and an amusingly authentic out-of-tune guitar, and Nirvana’s trademark intensity shifts. Not much trace of ''Endless, Nameless'', however. But play it back-to-back with ''In Bloom'' and it’s just not the same. For all the power of AI they seem to have co-opted at least a singer and possibly a whole band to record the song, so we’re a significant step away from this being purely artificial intelligence. This is more like a cover band recording their own tribute song in the style of Nirvana. Is that going to sell out stadiums worldwide?

Now this is not to deny music AI is impressive: it is ''stunning''. The AI drummer on Apple’s ''Logic Pro'' is indistinguishable from a real human, and adapts to the music it accompanies. Amplitube’s amplifier emulation can accurately replicate vintage amplifiers, mic placements, cabinets, and room acoustics. Izotope’s mastering plugins and mix and master your music to sound, should you desire it, like Frankie Goes To Hollywood. The technology is genuinely amazing — it ''far'' outstrips any [[reg tech]] in financial services — and really is putting folks out of work/bringing professional studio technology in the hands of [[Dangerboy|talentless amateurs]] (delete as applicable).
Talking Politics with Adam Curtis

But the implied promise here isn’t “technical emulation” but redundancy of humans altogether in the creative process. The futurologists are over their skis here. Can [[artificial intelligence]] give us the music Kurt Cobain was going to give the world had he not died? No. ''Of course'' it can’t. Even logically, this is barking mad: the guy shot himself. There is a path-dependency problem here: Cobain could not make any more music, so whatever a machine can come up with, however brilliant, ''it could not be that''. It would be something different. It would be ''some other process'' trying to imitate Nirvana.
The idea that the truth is in the patterns in the days that human cannot even see.

And we don’t need AI to do that: AI just makes it cheaper and easier. However good these processes may be, it is never the same. Just ask the surviving members of Pink Floyd.
Money as an abstract token of value that has no intrinsic value

===== The Dark Side of the Wall =====
Advertising generates economic production, rather than economic production generating advertising.
In 1993 there had not been a Pink Floyd album of any kind for six years, and there hadn’t been a ''good'' one for fourteen. The Machine — you know, the one Pink Floyd welcomed us to in 1975 — judged the mood of the record-buying public, which tends to buy Pink Floyd records regardless of what they are like, and concluded it was time for a new one.
But, problem: other than through their [[legal eagle]]s, band members were not talking to each other. Lyricist Roger Waters had walked out over a decade earlier, and there was no chance of him coming back. What to do?  In 1994, using AI to emulate the band’s recorded output wasn’t really on the cards. The remaining members did it the hard way. They pulled off a fair approximation. Without Waters, guitarist David Gilmour had his wife, an author, contribute lyrics. Beautifully recorded and redolent of the band’s signature crystalline guitar solos, swampy organs and moody synth pads, ''The Division Bell'' went straight to number 1 in the UK and the US, eventually selling something like 10,000,000 worldwide.
''The Division Bell'' ''sounded'' like Pink Floyd. It was recognisably the same product. But it emulated old ideas, recycled old tropes, tried to recapture the glorious seventies. There was nothing new in it. It went nowhere. It did not develop. It could not anticipate where Roger Waters might have taken the vision, because Waters wasn’t there to give that impetus. One critic posted a one-line review which captured the problem exactly:
“''Wish You Were An Animal On The Dark Side Of The Wall''”.
Waters still tours ''The Wall''. No-one tours ''The Division Bell''. Psychologically, no-one wants a facsimile, a reimagining or a rehash, however much effort one goes to to achieve it.
===== It’s musical backtesting =====
In a way ''The Division Bell'' was a good analogue to Nirvana by AI: it is not a development of the artist: it is a recombination of ''old'' records, put together in a way ''that Kurt Cobain didn’t''. We know the artistic choices Cobain made, and they weren’t these ones. They’re the ones that ended up on ''Nevermind''. If the object is to emulate someone that we no longer have, and we are reassembling existing parts that Kurt Cobain left behind, then unless we submit them exactly as Cobain would have — as he ''did'' — then our recombination must be inferior.
So, as a recombination its an inferior. If we expect an extrapolation of where Nirvana might go next, [[Artificial Intelligence|artificial intelligence]] has is no chance. It is not magic. It cannot see into the future or reconstruct dependent paths which did not happen. Given that Cobain’s path stopped abruptly in 1994, it is impossible to deduce what he might have been writing about in 1995. We cannot reconstruct that: it is no more effective than any kind of [[backtesting]].
Who knows what Cobain would be singing about had he not died? Perhaps he would have discovered a tantric yoga and spent a month in a commune in Bangor. Perhaps ''In Utero'' would have been composed on sitar. Maybe it would have been rubbish. We don’t, and, ''cannot'' know.
And pop stars, being human, ''do'' preposterous things like decamping to spiritual retreats in Wales. The Beatles did. Consider: what kind of technology could take ''Please Please Me'', ''With The Beatles'' and ''A Hard Day’s Night'' and generate anything resembling ''Rubber Soul'', let alone ''Sergeant Pepper'' or ''The White Album''.
Creatives: you’re not out of a job yet.

=== It’s not about the music ===
=== Authenticity ===
The importance of [[authenticity]]. Why is it not the same when it isn't David gilmour playing that guitar solo?  
The importance of [[authenticity]]. Why is it not the same when it isn't David gilmour playing that guitar solo?