Template:EFET Allowance Annex Preamble

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European Federation of Energy Traders

to the
General Agreement Concerning the Delivery and Acceptance of Electricity
Version 2.1/December 20, 2000 and Version 2.1(a)/September 21, 2007
dated as of [SPECIFY] (the “Allowances Appendix Effective Date”)

Between [SPECIFY] (“Party A”) and [SPECIFY] (“Party B”)

Applicability of Allowances Appendix. This Allowances Appendix to the General Agreement (inclusive of this Allowances Appendix’s Annexes) modifies, supplements and amends, to the extent set forth herein, certain provisions of the General Agreement (which, pursuant to § 1.1 of the General Agreement, includes its Annexes and Election Sheet) and shall only apply to and govern all Individual Contracts entered into by the Parties for and concerning the Transfer and acceptance of Transfer of Allowances (each such Individual Contract an “Allowance Transaction”, and collectively, the “Allowance Transactions”) save as expressly provided to the contrary with respect to any Section or Sections of the General Agreement or this Allowances Appendix. Any and all future Individual Contracts between the Parties that constitute Allowance Transactions specifying the Fourth Compliance Period as the applicable Compliance Period shall be automatically subject to the General Agreement, as it is modified, supplemented and amended by its Annexes, Election Sheet and this Allowances Appendix, without any further action by the Parties, unless the agreed upon terms of such Individual Contract expressly provide that it shall not be. For all other types of Individual Contracts, the General Agreement shall remain unchanged. The provisions of the General Agreement are hereby modified, supplemented and amended (except as expressly noted to the contrary herein) only in respect of such Allowance Transactions in accordance with the following: