Template:Emissions transfer of allowances summ

Revision as of 11:18, 12 September 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

Curious conditionality, across all three versions, where the {{{{{1}}}DP}} specifies a {{{{{1}}}|Holding Account}} from which {{{{{1}}}|Allowances must be delivered, and not just the account to which they must be delivered. Quite why it should matter whence the Allowances come we cannot say — a vague fretfulness about theft perhaps? — but ok; let’s run with it. The transfer is done once the Allowances hit the Receiving Party’s account (I know, I know: you don’t say.) But wait: there is an interesting use of the word “whereupon” here, upon which we dwell in a bit more detail in the premium section.