Greenclose v National Westminster Bank plc

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as case opining on the meaning of the apparently harmless Notices Section (Section 12) of the 1992 ISDA, and in particular what is an electronic messaging system and more to the point what it is not - in the opinion of learned Justice Andrews, and includes email.

Mister Greenclose, one of those fabled little old ladies of the law, was in fact a sophisticated and successful owner of family business running small luxury hotels. he entered an extendable collar transaction under a 1992 ISDA Master Agreement - the edition is important - which would expire on 30 December unless NatWest gave proper notice of its extension before that time.

Schoolboy error no.1 by NatWest was to provide for a notice deadline to expires when the recipient is highly likelihood to be out of the office. But that's as may be.

Error no. 2 - less of a schoolboy one, in this reviewer's opinion, was to assume that an email - being, after all, an electronic mail sent over a computer system (so sayeth Wikipedia) fell within the meaning of an "electronic messaging system".