Talk:Where Legal Eagles Dare: An Opco Boone Adventure

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Algy and George take out the gunships

Outer perimeter fails

The Farm

The Moor’s Gate opened out onto The Meadow and, beyond it, the Bretton Woods.

The Meadow was a wide flat, low-lying mud plain which briskly turned to swamp when the rains came, so generations had constructed narrow plank walkways to go about their business. The “boards” ran from the gate all the way to the woods, and down to The Farm between them. The itinerant gypsies who maintained the Farm thus became known as the “on-boarders”.

A cross-eyed, black-toothed peasant limped along the boards with a pail of slops, tossing chicken bones are mouldy porridge in through the slats. Ramsay Punchface looked up at the filthy onboarder as he hobbled and gingerly approached.

The onboarder stopped and regarded him. “What the fuck do you want? Do you want some chicky, ah?”

Until the onboarder roared at his own joke, Ramsay couldn’t tell if he was serious.

“Well, spit it out.”

Ramsay held out his tote bag.

“What the hell is this?” The onboarder snatched it and up-ended dumping what looked like a small, dead rabbit into the dust. He grunted, and turned it over with his boot.

Sales details ride in with captured espievies and toss them into a holding pen.

evaluates and sorts them, tossing out the runts. A junior sales squire gripes about his treatment.  The office manager tosses him a couple of credits and tells him to scram. "Too small". "Won't net". "No track record taste awful."

"Lean times, indeed," the office manager mutters.

"Heh heh heh heh," the AML chuckles darkly.

There's a commotion in the fields as a hunting party comes back in. It is Charlemagne, the celebrated sales guru, leading his retinue, leading in an elephant-sized beast by a velvet rope.

Sidemutter: "He got it from the forbidden fields. There are none of these in our territory. They don't exist."

Capture the docs team leader who is too weak to resist the onslaught

Coo people trying to break in in and tame master agreements.

Capture small ones

So the lawyers treat them as as pets, and horse whisperer them etc comma believing this is the only way to to control the danger they present and harness their power. The Theo coming like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang force the agreements into a framework controlled by Romanians reading instruction manuals.

Bigger ones bust out of their glcages destroying everything

Apocalyptic scenes where tiny little cages ISDA s, all confined in small rectangular pens like battery hens suddenly all explode at once overwhelming the management systems.

Giant monsters called Goks housed in luxuriant pens, where teams rub their skins with champagne and Keep them supple and milking them of commissions. Good are free to come and go. There are several Gok pens around the city. To encourage the gearbox to go into them they need to be b-complex fully invisible 2 to city residence other than those charged with managing the pen itself.

Feed smaller stick with Vega and they grow larger

Conan the barbarian riff with isda jocks captured and tethered to the mill in a mountain training camp where they train school leavers in the ninja arts. School leavers keep running away. Escaping for a better life

Lissingdown is the elven home on earth. The settlement is an offshore centre.

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