Alternative investment fund

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AIFMD Anatomy™

Directive 2011/61/EU (EUR Lex) | Implementing regulation 231/2013 (EUR Lex)
directive - 21 (depositary) | 21(4) (conflict management) | 21(8) (custody function) | 21(11) (custody delegation) | 21(12) (liability for loss of assets) | 21(13) (discharge of liability on delegation) | 21(14) (discharge of liability for Non-EU subcustodians) | 36 (depo-lite) | 36(1)
implementing regulation DR20 (Due diligence when appointing counterparties and prime brokers) | DR76 (objective reason) | DR89 (Safekeeping duties with regard to assets held in custody) | DR91 (reporting obligations for prime brokers) | DR98 (due diligence) | DR99 (segregation obligation) | DR100 (Loss of custody asset) |
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An Alternative Investment Fund, a concept of great interest and relevance to those who manage alternative investments and want anything to do with the EU, for this is a key concept of creation of the AIFMD, a fledgling anatomy for which you might find here: AIFMD Anatomy.

Compare and contrast UCITS funds which are retail targeted investment funds. The regulations are in some ways converging, but there are still a lot of qualitative differences in the types of risks that an AIF can take that a UCITS cannot.

See also