Call Me by Blondie
(Enjoy the lyrics, at your own risk, here)

Unusually for a pop song this uses the same legal concept into quite different contexts. The first is neatly metaphorical, personifying Love itself, as some kind of furtive criminal, stealing around in the shadows, perpetrating its nefarious designs on innocent, law-abiding goddesses of rock.

Emotions come, I don’t know why

Cover up Love’s alibi
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) I’ll arrive
When you’re ready we can share the wine —
Call me.

Bye the refrain we see that Love has had its disreputable way, and we see our heroic rock Goddess has submitted to the scheme, and is now complicit. It is not love, now, but the singer herself who is offering an alibi, tempting the listener into the sordid conspiracy:

Call me, call me in a sweet design
Call me (call me), call me for your lover’s alibi
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime.