Smut filter

Revision as of 22:09, 4 October 2021 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
Office anthropology™

Sent: 04 October 2021 16:10
Subject: [Postmaster] Content Alert Notification

This is a content alert notification message. The message indicated below matches content alert policies set by the system administrator(s).

Message information:

Intended Recipient:
Message Subject: Contract execution
Message Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 16:09:56 +0100
Message Status: The message has been placed on HOLD with action required.

Content Policies Triggered: Policy (Profanity Content Filtering)

Found term [“shit”] in BODY_TEXT, score is 1
Number of hits for this term: 1
Matched text: shit

Found term [“shit”] in BODY_HTML, score is 1
Number of hits for this term: 1
Matched text: shit

Found term [\ss\s?h\s?i\s?t\s] in BODY_TEXT, score is 1
Number of hits for this term: 1
Matched text: shit

The JC puts on his pith-helmet, grabs his butterfly net and a rucksack full of marmalade sandwiches, and heads into the concrete jungleIndex: Click to expand:

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Literally, you cannot make this shit up. The captioned message came back from a message is all that got through of a message which, confessedly, did contain the word “shit”. No objections, I guess — prudes gonna be prudes — and what good would the machines of loving grace be if they couldn’t at least supercharge corporate primness? — but how that puritan end is met by stripping out and binning all the clean words, and saving up, amplifying and telegraphing the only “profane”[2] one, repeatedly, at the poor fragile recipient whose delicate sense of decency the smutbot was aggressively defending in the first place, we can can only speculate.

See also


  1. Names have been changed to protect non-fungible identities
  2. Quaint, right?