Template:GMSLA 2010 5.4

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5.4 Marking to Market of Collateral during the currency of a Loan on aggregated basis
Unless paragraph 1.3 of the Schedule indicates that paragraph 5.5 shall apply in lieu of this paragraph 5.4, or unless otherwise agreed between the Parties:

(a) the aggregate Market Value of the Collateral delivered to or deposited with Lender (excluding any Equivalent Collateral repaid or delivered under paragraphs 5.4(b) or 5.5(b) (as the case may be)) (Posted Collateral) in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement shall equal the aggregate of the Market Value of Securities equivalent to the Loaned Securities and the applicable Margin (the Required Collateral Value) in respect of such Loans;
(b) if at any time on any Business Day the aggregate Market Value of the Posted Collateral in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement together with: (i) all amounts due and payable by the Lender under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and (ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral exceeds the aggregate of the Required Collateral Values in respect of such Loans together with: (i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and (ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any securities equivalent to Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities, Lender shall (on demand) repay and/or deliver, as the case may be, to Borrower such Equivalent Collateral as will eliminate the excess;
(c) if at any time on any Business Day the aggregate Market Value of the Posted Collateral in respect of all Loans outstanding under this Agreement together with: (i) all amounts due and payable by the Lender under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and (ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of any Non-Cash Collateral, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Non-Cash Collateral falls below the aggregate of Required Collateral Values in respect of all such Loans together with: (i) all amounts due and payable by the Borrower under this Agreement but which are unpaid; and (ii) if agreed between the parties and if the Income Record Date has occurred in respect of Securities equivalent to any Loaned Securities, the amount or Market Value of Income payable in respect of such Equivalent Securities, Borrower shall (on demand) provide such further Collateral to Lender as will eliminate the deficiency;
(d) where a Party acts as both Lender and Borrower under this Agreement, the provisions of paragraphs 5.4(b) and 5.4(c) shall apply separately (and without duplication) in respect of Loans entered into by that Party as Lender and Loans entered into by that Party as Borrower.