Template:Emissions Cost of Carry Amount summ

Revision as of 17:34, 16 October 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

What is going on here, then?

Should there be a {{{{{1}}}|Suspension Event}}, the person meaning to deliver the {{{{{1}}}|Allowances}}, and receive cash payment on date X cannot, and will therefore start to get anxious emails from her treasury department. Remember, at this point she wants cash, has (Q.E.D.) no interest in the {{{{{1}}}|Allowances}}, and through no fault of her own is out of pocket.

Therefore the {{{{{1}}}|Seller}} agrees to pay her a {{{{{1}}}|Cost of Carry Amount}}. This is essentially interest at an agreed rate on the Cash Payment that was due, for the duration of the the {{{{{1}}}|Suspension Event}}.

The funny thing is what happens of the {{{{{1}}}|Suspension Event}} has not lifted by the {{{{{1}}}|Long Stop Date}}. Here the transaction is deemed to be irretrievably broken — call it a Force Majeure, Illegality, whatever, and the {{{{{1}}}|Transaction}} is cancelled. Any amounts already paid are refunded (except to the extent {{{{{1}}}|Allowances}} were delivered against payment), and everyone walks away and pretends it never happens.

This, I have to tell you, the JC finds utterly extraordinary. Your {{{{{1}}}|Cost of Carry Amount}} accrues ... accrues ... accrues ... and then suddenly in a puff and illogic on a completely arbitrary {{{{{1}}}|Long Stop Date}}, just vanishes, along with, presumably, all the rest of the money you stumped up in good faith to finance some other so-and-so’s {{{{{1}}}|Allowance}} obligations.