Template:Monty Holdem poker

Revision as of 09:59, 27 September 2024 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here is a card game. The deck has just three cards: two clubs and a heart. The object of the game is to end up with the heart. The dealer shuffles and deals the three cards face down on the table, in the “river”. The player chooses one card from the river, but it stays face down. The dealer turns one of the remaining cards in the river, to reveal a club. The player now has the choice to stay with her original card, or switch it for the remaining face-down card in...")
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Here is a card game. The deck has just three cards: two clubs and a heart. The object of the game is to end up with the heart.

The dealer shuffles and deals the three cards face down on the table, in the “river”. The player chooses one card from the river, but it stays face down. The dealer turns one of the remaining cards in the river, to reveal a club.

The player now has the choice to stay with her original card, or switch it for the remaining face-down card in the river.

What should the player do? Stick, or twist?