Regime Table - IM CSD Provision

2018 ISDA Credit Support Deed (IM) (English law)
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Paragraph Regime Table in a Nutshell

Use at your own risk, campers!
13(a) The parties have specified the regulatory “Regimes” that apply to them as Secured Party in the “Regime Table” below. These are not representations that any Secured Party is actually regulated under such Regime.

[Delete inapplicable rows]

Regime Table
Regime Party A as the Secured Party (Party B as the Chargor) Party B as the Secured Party (Party A as the Chargor)

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Prudential Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]


SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

SEC Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Canada Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Switzerland Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Japan Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Australia Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Hong Kong Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Singapore Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Full text of Paragraph Regime Table

13(a) Regime Table

For the purposes of this Deed, the parties have specified the regulatory regimes (each a “Regime” and together the “Regimes”) applicable to them in their capacity as the Secured Party in the below table (the “Regime Table”). For the avoidance of doubt, any Regime that is specified as being applicable in the Regime Table shall not be construed as a representation, admission or acknowledgement that either party is actually regulated under such Regime.

Regime Table
Regime Party A as the Secured Party (Party B as the Chargor) Party B as the Secured Party (Party A as the Chargor)

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Prudential Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]


SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

SEC Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Canada Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Switzerland Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [SPECIFY]

Japan Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Australia Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Hong Kong Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Singapore Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Applies: [SPECIFY]

SIMM Exception: [Shoot me][SPECIFY]

Related agreements and comparisons

Related Agreements
Click here for the text of Section NA in the 2016 ISDA VM CSA
Template:Csddiff Regime Table

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Content and comparisons

There is nothing of the likes of this anywhere else in the ISDA expanded universe. Thank the Lord.


Options are:

General discussion

Template:M gen 2018 CSD Regime Table

See also
