Template:Emissions No Encumbrances comp: Difference between revisions

Created page with "The absence of encumbrances — which, in the early days of the emissions trading world, where birth pangs still ricocheted and fraudulent waves lapped across the primordial carbon soup of the ETS, was a matter of some concern — is covered fulsomely, and consistently, in all the emissions master trading documents. See: * “{{euaprov|No Encumbrances}}” (para {{euaprov|(d)(vii)}} in the {{emissionsannex}} *“{{ietaprov|No Encumbrances}}” (cl {{ietaprov|5.3}}) i..."
(Created page with "The absence of encumbrances — which, in the early days of the emissions trading world, where birth pangs still ricocheted and fraudulent waves lapped across the primordial carbon soup of the ETS, was a matter of some concern — is covered fulsomely, and consistently, in all the emissions master trading documents. See: * “{{euaprov|No Encumbrances}}” (para {{euaprov|(d)(vii)}} in the {{emissionsannex}} *“{{ietaprov|No Encumbrances}}” (cl {{ietaprov|5.3}}) i...")
(No difference)