Extraordinary rendition

Extraordinary rendition
/ɪksˈtrɔːdnri/ /rɛnˈdɪʃən/ (n.)

Legal drafting that is so convoluted as to violate the UN convention against the cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of language.

ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ are past masters, of course — the 2018 English law IM CSD is a high watermark — but an interesting recent case was Clifford Chance Luxembourg’s non-definition — what we like to call a “definisn’t” — of “companies” in its 2021 GMRA netting opinion (where else?).

Here our learned colleagues, having devoted hundreds of words to what Luxembourg companies are, then embarked on hundreds more musing, in excruciating detail, on what they are not.

See also
