ISDA Master Agreement - Equity Derivatives Provision

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2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions

A Jolly Contrarian owner’s manual™

1.41 in a Nutshell

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Original text

Section 1.41. ISDA Master Agreement. “ISDA Master Agreement” means one of the standard form master agreements published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. The terms “Event of Default”, “Affiliate” and “Early Termination Date” will have the meanings given to those terms in the ISDA Master Agreement.

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Ain’t you glad you’re alive? But, we wonder, do you feel quite so well-disposed to the person who drafted this little nugget? In fairness, it could be worse: ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ might have decided to define Affiliate differently for Equity Derivatives than under the main ISDA. They have done that sort of thing before.


This section simply pulls in the ISDA Master Agreement’s definitions of “Event of Default”, “Affiliate” and “Early Termination Date”.

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See also
