A conjunction is a word that connects dependent clauses or sentences: compare with prepositions, which put phrases and nouns in relation to each other. Conjunctions tend to be simple, easy words that you’ll instantly recognise: and; or; but; if. The job of the mediocre lawyer is to concert these into more complicated words or, where possible, phrases.

The classic example is “if”. You can convert this into the pompous expression “in the event that”. “And” you might re-render as “together with” or “in addition to”. “But” you can effortlessly translate into “however”, “nevertheless”, “[[in spite of]”] or — for a real flourish — “notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing”.

See also

Plain English Anatomy™ Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb | Preposition | Conjunction | Latin | Germany | Flannel | Legal triplicate | Nominalisation | Murder your darlings