Apocryphal Austrian playwright. m. Birgit von Sachsen-Rampton.

Known to operate sub nom Jolly Contrarian, on whom he based his first opera. It is understood that his character Don Iolio Contrario from Form and Substance is also loosely autobiographical.

Wrote the justifiably under-appreciated operettas der Glücklich Widersprüchlichmensch (“The Jolly Contrarian”), Die Warteschleifenmusikopfer (“The hold-music victim”) and Die Eroberung der Form durch Substanz (“The victory of form over substance”) (more usually known, and performed, in Italian as La Vittoria della Forma sulla Sostanza. A rumoured final opera, the unfinished Das Schweizer Heulsuse (the “Swiss Milquetoast”), supposedly commissioned by a mysterious patron as Büchstein lay dying in a hospital bed in Mandalay, afflicted with dengue fever[1], is believed now to be lost forever. If you know anything about it, please get in touch!

See also

  1. Or possibly malaria.