Template:M summ EUA Annex Registry Operation

Revision as of 12:05, 25 January 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

If ever there were a sign of the half-heartedness of these accursed definitions, this is surely it. The definition of Registry Operation, as a piece of syntax, doesn’t make sense. It is not a complete logical statement.

This is somewhat ameliorated in that the definition only appears once in the document — knee-deep in the clunge of the Suspension Event — in a context that makes it clear what it is meant to say, but still. We think it could be fixed by deleting the words: “, other than by reason of the occurrence of an Administrator Event ”, and adding that into the already leaden phrasing of the Suspension Event paragraph.

This is what our nutshell version does. There: better than ISDA.