Calculation Amount - 2021 ISDA Definition

2021 ISDA Interest Rate Derivatives Definitions

A Jolly Contrarian owner’s manual™

Calculation Amount in a Nutshell

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Original text

4.4 Calculation Amount.

4.4.1 Calculation Amount. “Calculation Amount” means the applicable Notional Amount or Currency Amount, as the case may be.
4.4.2 Notional Amount. “Notional Amount” means:
(i) in respect of a Transaction involving one currency, other than an Option Transaction or a Transaction in which “Optional Early Termination” applies, the amount specified as such for the Transaction; and
(ii) in respect of any Option Transaction or a Transaction to which “Optional Early Termination” applies:
(a) if the Underlying Transaction or the Transaction, as appropriate, involves one currency, the amount specified as the Notional Amount of the Underlying Transaction or the Transaction, as appropriate;
(b) if the Underlying Transaction or the Transaction, as appropriate, involves more than one currency, the Currency Amount in respect of the Buyer,
in each case as reduced or increased in accordance with any relevant terms set out in the Confirmation or as set out in Section 11 (Mark-to-Market Currency Swaps) for amortizing or increasing the Notional Amount or Currency Amount, as applicable.
4.4.3 Currency Amount. “Currency Amount” means, subject to Section 11.4.9 (Variable Currency Amount), in respect of a Calculation Period for a Transaction involving more than one currency, the amount specified as such [for the] Transaction or a party.

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The 2006 ISDA Definitions treat each of the three definitions (Calculation Amount, Notional Amount and Currency Amount) as discrete things — albeit in successive paragraphs — while the 2021 ISDA Interest Rate Derivatives Definitions see them for what they are — subspecies of Calculation Amount — and roll them into a single paragraph.


Just imagine being the poor Aïessdiyé padawan tasked with redrafting a perfectly harmless — if faintly pointless — piece of orienting. Perhaps she felt honour-bound to convert it into a tract of overdetermined dreck. We will never know.

All it really achieves is, well, there’s this thing, and it might be a Notional Amount and it might be a Currency Amount, but either way, it’s a Calculation Amount. We think the 2006 version was nicer.

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See also

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