Terms Relating to the Reference Entity and the Reference Obligation - Credit Derivatives Provision

2014 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions
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Article 2. Terms Relating to the Reference Entity and the Reference Obligation

Section 2.1 Reference Entity. “Reference Entity” means the entity specified as such in the related Confirmation. Any Successor to the Reference Entity either (a) identified by the Calculation Agent pursuant to Section 2.2 (Provisions for Determining a Successor) on or following the Trade Date, or (b) identified pursuant to a DC Resolution in respect of a Successor Resolution Request Date and publicly announced by the DC Secretary on or following the Trade Date shall, in each case, with effect from the Succession Date, be the Reference Entity for the relevant Credit Derivative Transaction or a New Credit Derivative Transaction (as determined pursuant to such Section 2.2 (Provisions for Determining a Successor)).
Section 2.2 Provisions for Determining a Successor.

2.2(a)Successor” means, subject to Section 2.2(c), the entity or entities, if any, determined as follows:
(i) subject to Section 2.2(a)(vii), if one entity succeeds, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to seventy-five per cent or more of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity, that entity will be the sole Successor for the entire Credit Derivative Transaction;
(ii) if only one entity succeeds, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to more than twenty-five per cent (but less than seventy-five per cent) of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity, and not more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity remain with the Reference Entity, the entity that succeeds to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations will be the sole Successor for the entire Credit Derivative Transaction;
(iii) if more than one entity each succeeds, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity, and not more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity remain with the Reference Entity, the entities that succeed to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations will each be a Successor for a New Credit Derivative Transaction determined in accordance with Section 2.2(n);
(iv) if one or more entities each succeeds, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity, and more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity remain with the Reference Entity, each such entity and the Reference Entity will each be a Successor for a New Credit Derivative Transaction determined in accordance with Section 2.2(n);
(v) if one or more entities succeed, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to a portion of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity , but no entity succeeds to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity and the Reference Entity continues to exist, there will be no Successor and the Reference Entity and the Credit Derivative Transaction will not be changed in any way as a result of such succession;
(vi) if one or more entities succeed, either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, to a portion of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity , but no entity succeeds to more than twenty-five per cent of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity and the Reference Entity ceases to exist, the entity which succeeds to the greatest percentage of Relevant Obligations will be the Successor (provided that if two or more entities succeed to an equal percentage of Relevant Obligations, each such entity will be a Successor for a New Credit Derivative Transaction determined in accordance with Section 2.2(n)); and
(vii) in respect of a Reference Entity which is not a Sovereign, if one entity assumes all of the obligations (including at least one Relevant Obligation) of the Reference Entity, and at the time of the determination either (A) the Reference Entity has ceased to exist, or (B) the Reference Entity is in the process of being dissolved (howsoever described) and the Reference Entity has not issued or incurred any Borrowed Money obligation at any time since the legally effective date of the assumption, such entity (the “Universal Successor”) will be the sole Successor for the entire Credit Derivative Transaction.
2.2(b) The Calculation Agent will be responsible for determining, as soon as reasonably practicable after delivery of a Successor Notice and with effect from the Succession Date, any Successor or Successors under Section 2.2(a); provided that the Calculation Agent will not make such determination if, at the time of determination, the DC Secretary has publicly announced that the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee has Resolved that there is no Successor based on the relevant succession to Relevant Obligations. The Calculation Agent will make all calculations and determinations required to be made under Section 2.2 on the basis of Eligible Information and will notify the parties of any such calculation or determination as soon as practicable. In calculating the percentages used to determine whether an entity qualifies as a Successor under Section 2.2(a), if there is a Steps Plan, the Calculation Agent shall consider all related successions in respect of such Steps Plan in aggregate as if forming part of a single succession.
2.2(c) An entity may only be a Successor if:
(i) either (A) the related Succession Date occurs on or after the Successor Backstop Date, or (B) such entity is a Universal Successor in respect of which the Succession Date occurred on or after January 1, 2014;
(ii) the Reference Entity had at least one Relevant Obligation outstanding immediately prior to the Succession Date and such entity succeeds to all or part of at least one Relevant Obligation of the Reference Entity; and
(iii) where the Reference Entity is a Sovereign, such entity succeeded to the Relevant Obligations by way of a Sovereign Succession Event.
2.2(d) For purposes of Section 2.2, “succeed” means, with respect to the Reference Entity and its Relevant Obligations, that an entity other than the Reference Entity (i) assumes or becomes liable for such Relevant Obligations whether by operation of law or pursuant to any agreement (including, with respect to a Reference Entity that is a Sovereign, any protocol, treaty, convention, accord, concord, entente, pact or other agreement), or (ii) issues Bonds or incurs Loans (the “Exchange Bonds or Loans”) that are exchanged for Relevant Obligations, and in either case the Reference Entity is not thereafter a direct obligor or a provider of a Relevant Guarantee with respect to such Relevant Obligations or such Exchange Bonds or Loans, as applicable. For purposes of Section 2.2, “succeeded” and “succession” shall be construed accordingly.
2.2(e)Sovereign Succession Event” means, with respect to a Reference Entity that is a Sovereign, an annexation, unification, secession, partition, dissolution, consolidation, reconstitution or other similar event.
2.2(f)Relevant Obligations” means the Obligations of the Reference Entity which fall within the Obligation CategoryBond or Loan” and which are outstanding immediately prior to the Succession Date (or, if there is a Steps Plan, immediately prior to the legally effective date of the first succession), provided that:
(i) any Bonds or Loans outstanding between the Reference Entity and any of its Affiliates, or held by the Reference Entity, shall be excluded;
(ii) if there is a Steps Plan, the Calculation Agent shall, for purposes of the determination required to be made under Section 2.2(a), make the appropriate adjustments required to take account of any Obligations of the Reference Entity which fall within the Obligation CategoryBond or Loan” that are issued, incurred, redeemed, repurchased or cancelled from and including the legally effective date of the first succession to and including the Succession Date;
(iii) if “Financial Reference Entity Terms” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation and the Credit Derivative Transaction is a Senior Transaction, the Relevant Obligations shall only include the Senior Obligations of the Reference Entity which fall within the Obligation CategoryBond or Loan”; and
(iv) if “Financial Reference Entity Terms” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation, and the Credit Derivative Transaction is a Subordinated Transaction, Relevant Obligations shall exclude Senior Obligations and any Further Subordinated Obligations of the Reference Entity which fall within the Obligation CategoryBond or Loan”, provided that if no such Relevant Obligations exist, “Relevant Obligations” shall have the same meaning as it would if the Credit Derivative Transaction were a Senior Transaction.
2.2(g) In the case of an exchange offer, the determination required pursuant to Section 2.2(a) shall be made on the basis of the outstanding principal balance of Relevant Obligations exchanged and not on the basis of the outstanding principal balance of the Exchange Bonds or Loans.
2.2(h) If two or more entities (each, a “Joint Potential Successor”) jointly succeed to a Relevant Obligation (the “Joint Relevant Obligation”) either directly or as a provider of a Relevant Guarantee, then (i) if the Joint Relevant Obligation was a direct obligation of the Reference Entity, it shall be treated as having been succeeded to by the Joint Potential Successor (or Joint Potential Successors, in equal parts) which succeeded to such Joint Relevant Obligation as direct obligor or obligors, or (ii) if the Joint Relevant Obligation was a Relevant Guarantee, it shall be treated as having been succeeded to by the Joint Potential Successor (or Joint Potential Successors, in equal parts) which succeeded to such Joint Relevant Obligation as guarantor or guarantors, if any, or otherwise by each Joint Potential Successor in equal parts.
2.2(i)Steps Plan” means a plan evidenced by Eligible Information contemplating that there will be a series of successions to some or all of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity, by one or more entities.
2.2(j)Succession Date” means the legally effective date of an event in which one or more entities succeed to some or all of the Relevant Obligations of the Reference Entity; provided that if at such time, there is a Steps Plan, the Succession Date will be the legally effective date of the final succession in respect of such Steps Plan, or if earlier (i) the date on which a determination pursuant to Section 2.2(a) would not be affected by any further related successions in respect of such Steps Plan, or (ii) the occurrence of an Event Determination Datein respect of the Reference Entity or any entity which would constitute a Successor.
2.2(k)Successor Backstop Date” means for purposes of any Successor determination determined by DC Resolution, the date that is ninety calendar days prior to the Successor Resolution Request Date otherwise, the date that is ninety calendar days prior to the earlier of (i) the date on which the Successor Notice is effective and (ii) in circumstances where (A) a Successor Resolution Request Date has occurred, (B) the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee has Resolved not to make a Successor determination and (C) the Successor Notice is delivered by one party to the other party not more than fourteen calendar days after the day on which the DC Secretary publicly announces that the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee has Resolved not to make a Successor determination, the Successor Resolution Request Date. The Successor Backstop Date shall not be subject to adjustment in accordance with any Business Day Convention.
2.2(l)Successor Resolution Request Date” means, with respect to a notice to the DC Secretary requesting that a Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee be convened to Resolve one or more Successors to the Reference Entity, the date, as publicly announced by the DC Secretary, that the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee Resolves to be the date on which such notice is effective.
2.2(m)Successor Notice” means an irrevocable notice from a party to a Credit Derivative Transaction to the other party and the Calculation Agent that describes a succession ( or, in relation to a Reference Entity that is a Sovereign, a Sovereign Succession Event) in respect of which a Succession Date has occurred and pursuant to which one or more Successors to the Reference Entity can be determined. A Successor Notice must contain a description in reasonable detail of the facts relevant to the determination to be made pursuant to Section 2.2(a) .
2.2(n) Where, pursuant to Section 2.2(a)(iii), (iv) or (vi), more than one Successor has been identified, the relevant Credit Derivative Transaction will be divided, with effect from the Succession Date, into the same number of New Credit Derivative Transactions (the “New Credit Derivative Transactions”) as there are Successors, with the following terms:
(i) each Successor will be the Reference Entity for the purposes of one of the New Credit Derivative Transactions;
(ii) in respect of each New Credit Derivative Transaction, the Fixed Rate Payer Calculation Amount, if any, and the Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount will be the Fixed Rate Payer Calculation Amount and the Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount, as applicable, of the original Credit Derivative Transaction divided by the number of Successors; and
(iii) all other terms and conditions of the original Credit Derivative Transaction will be replicated in each New Credit Derivative Transaction except that the Calculation Agent (in consultation with the parties) shall make such modifications as it determines are required in order to preserve the economic effects of the original Credit Derivative Transaction in the New Credit Derivative Transactions (considered in aggregate).

Section 2.3 Eligible Information. “Eligible Information” means information which is publicly available or which can be made public without violating any law, agreement, understanding or other restriction regarding the confidentiality of such information.
Section 2.4 Sovereign. “Sovereign” means any state, political subdivision or government, or any agency, instrumentality, ministry, department or other authority acting in a governmental capacity (including, without limiting the foregoing, the central bank) thereof.
Section 2.5 Reference Obligation. “Reference Obligation” means the Standard Reference Obligation, if any, unless:

(a) “Standard Reference Obligation” is specified as not applicable in the related Confirmation, in which case the Reference Obligation will be the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, if any; or
(i) “Standard Reference Obligation” is specified as applicable in the related Confirmation (or no election is specified in the related Confirmation),
(ii) there is no Standard Reference Obligation and
(iii) a Non-Standard Reference Obligation is specified in the related Confirmation, in which case the Reference Obligation will be
(A) the Non-Standard Reference Obligation to but excluding the first date of publication of the Standard Reference Obligation and
(B) the Standard Reference Obligation from such date onwards, provided that the Standard Reference Obligation that is published would have been eligible to be selected as a Substitute Reference Obligation.

Section 2.6 Standard Reference Obligation. “Standard Reference Obligation” means the obligation of the Reference Entity with the relevant Seniority Level which is specified from time to time on the SRO List.
Section 2.7 Non-Standard Reference Obligation. “Non-Standard Reference Obligation” means the Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation or if a Substitute Reference Obligation has been determined, the Substitute Reference Obligation.
Section 2.8 Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation. “Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation” means the obligation of the Reference Entity (either directly or as provider of a guarantee) which is specified as the Reference Obligation in the related Confirmation (if any is so specified) provided that if an obligation is not an obligation of the Reference Entity, such obligation will not constitute a valid Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation for purposes of the Credit Derivative Transaction (other than for the purposes of determining the Seniority Level and for the “Not SubordinatedObligation Characteristic or “Not SubordinatedDeliverable Obligation Characteristic) unless (a) the parties express their intention to amend or override this provision in writing in the related Confirmation by referring directly to Section 2.8, or (b) the Credit Derivative Transaction is a Reference Obligation Only Trade.
Section 2.9 No Standard Reference Obligation. If the Standard Reference Obligation is removed from the SRO List, such obligation shall cease to be the Reference Obligation (other than for purposes of the “Not SubordinatedObligation Characteristic or “Not SubordinatedDeliverable Obligation Characteristic) and there shall be no Reference Obligation unless and until such obligation is subsequently replaced on the SRO List, in which case, the new Standard Reference Obligation in respect of the Reference Entity shall constitute the Reference Obligation.
Section 2.10 Substitute Reference Obligation. “Substitute Reference Obligation” means , with respect to a Non-Standard Reference Obligation to which a Substitution Event has occurred, the obligation that will replace the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, determined by the Calculation Agent as follows:

(a) The Calculation Agent shall (after consultation with the parties) identify the Substitute Reference Obligation in accordance with Sections 2.10(c), (d) and (e) to replace the Non-Standard Reference Obligation; provided that the Calculation Agent will not identify an obligation as the Substitute Reference Obligation if, at the time of the determination, such obligation has already been rejected as the Substitute Reference Obligation by the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee and such obligation has not changed materially since the date of the relevant DC Resolution.
(b) If any of the events set forth under Sections 2.11(a)(i) or (iii) (Substitution Event ) have occurred with respect to the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, the Non-Standard Reference Obligation will cease to be the Reference Obligation (other than for purposes of the “Not SubordinatedObligation Characteristic or “Not SubordinatedDeliverable Obligation Characteristic and Section 2.10(c)(ii)). If the event set forth in Section 2.11(a)(ii) (Substitution Event ) has occurred with respect to the Non-Standard Reference Obligation and no Substitute Reference Obligation is available, the Non-Standard Reference Obligation will continue to be the Reference Obligation until the Substitute Reference Obligation is identified or, if earlier, until any of the events set forth under Sections 2.11(a)(i) or (a)(iii) (Substitution Event ) occur with respect to such Non-Standard Reference Obligation.
(c) The Substitute Reference Obligation shall be an obligation that on the Substitution Date:
(i) is a Borrowed Money obligation of the Reference Entity (either directly or as provider of a guarantee);
(ii) satisfies the Not Subordinated [[Deliverable Obligation Characteristic - Credit Derivatives Provision|Deliverable Obligation Characteristic]] as of the date it was issued or incurred (without reflecting any change to the priority of payment after such date) and on the Substitution Date; and
(A) if the Non-Standard Reference Obligation was a Conforming Reference Obligation when issued or incurred and immediately prior to the Substitution Event Date:
(I) is a Deliverable Obligation (other than a Loan) determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation); or if no such obligation is available,
(II) is a Loan (other than a Private-side Loan) which constitutes a Deliverable Obligation determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation);
(B) if the Non-Standard Reference Obligation was a Bond (or any other Borrowed Money obligation other than a Loan) which was a Non-Conforming Reference Obligation when issued or incurred and/or immediately prior to the Substitution Event Date:
(I) is a Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation (other than a Loan); or if no such obligation is available,
(II) is a Deliverable Obligation (other than a Loan) determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation); or if no such obligation is available,
(III) is a Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation which is a Loan (other than a Private-side Loan); or if no such obligation is available,
(IV) is a Loan (other than a Private-side Loan) which constitutes a Deliverable Obligation determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation); or
(C) if the Non-Standard Reference Obligation was a Loan which was a Non-Conforming Reference Obligation when incurred and/or immediately prior to the Substitution Event Date:
(I) is a Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation which is a Loan (other than a Private-side Loan); or if no such obligation is available,
(II) is a Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation (other than a Loan); or if no such obligation is available,
(III) is a Deliverable Obligation (other than a Loan) determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation); or if no such obligation is available,
(IV) is a Loan (other than a Private-side Loan) which constitutes a Deliverable Obligation determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation).
(d) If more than one potential Substitute Reference Obligation is identified pursuant to the process described in Section 2.10(c), the Substitute Reference Obligation will be the potential Substitute Reference Obligation that most closely preserves the economic equivalent of the delivery and payment obligations of the parties to the Credit Derivative Transaction, as determined by the Calculation Agent (after consultation with the parties). The Calculation Agent will notify the parties of the Substitute Reference Obligation as soon as reasonably practicable after it has been identified in accordance with Section 2.10(c) and the Substitute Reference Obligation shall replace the Non-Standard Reference Obligation immediately upon such notification.
(e) If a Substitution Event has occurred with respect to the Non-Standard Reference Obligation and the Calculation Agent determines (after consultation with the parties) that no Substitute Reference Obligation is available for the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, then, subject to Section 2.10(a) and notwithstanding the fact that the Non-Standard Reference Obligation may have ceased to be the Reference Obligation in accordance with Section 2.10(b), the Calculation Agent shall continue to attempt to identify the Substitute Reference Obligation.

Section 2.11 Substitution Event.

(a) “Substitution Event” means, with respect to the Non-Standard Reference Obligation:
(i) the Non-Standard Reference Obligation is redeemed in whole;
(ii) the aggregate amounts due under the Non-Standard Reference Obligation have been reduced by redemption or otherwise below USD 10,000,000 (or its equivalent in the relevant Obligation Currency, as determined by the Calculation Agent); or
(iii) for any reason, other than due to the existence or occurrence of a Credit Event, the Non-Standard Reference Obligation is no longer an obligation of the Reference Entity (either directly or as provider of a guarantee).
(b) For purposes of identification of the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, any change in the Non-Standard Reference Obligation’s CUSIP or ISIN number or other similar identifier will not, in and of itself, constitute a Substitution Event .
(c) If an event described in Sections 2.11(a)(i) or (ii) has occurred on or prior to the Trade Date, then a Substitution Event shall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to Sections 2.11(a)(i) or (ii), as the case may be, on the Trade Date.

Section 2.12 Reference Obligation Only Trade. “Reference Obligation Only Trade” means a Credit Derivative Transaction in respect of which (a) “Reference Obligation Only” is specified as the Obligation Category and the Deliverable Obligation Category in the related Confirmation and (b) “Standard Reference Obligation” is specified as not applicable in the related Confirmation. If the event set out in Section 2.11(a)(i) (Substitution Event ) occurs with respect to the Reference Obligation in a Reference Obligation Only Trade, the Substitution Event Date shall be the Termination Date.
Notwithstanding Section 2.10 (Substitute Reference Obligation) (i) no Substitute Reference Obligation shall be determined in respect of a Reference Obligation Only Trade and (ii) if the events set out in Sections 2.11(a)(ii) or (iii) (Substitution Event ) occur with respect to the Reference Obligation in a Reference Obligation Only Trade, such Reference Obligation shall continue to be the Reference Obligation .
Section 2.13 Conforming Reference Obligation. “Conforming Reference Obligation” means a Reference Obligation which is a Deliverable Obligation determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation).
Section 2.14 Non-Conforming Reference Obligation. “Non-Conforming Reference Obligation” means a Reference Obligation which is not a Conforming Reference Obligation.
Section 2.15 Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation. “Non-Conforming Substitute Reference Obligation” means an obligation which would be a Deliverable Obligation determined in accordance with Section 3.2(a) (Deliverable Obligation) on the Substitution Date but for one or more of the same reasons which resulted in the Reference Obligation constituting a Non-Conforming Reference Obligation on the date it was issued or incurred and/or immediately prior to the Substitution Event Date (as applicable).
Section 2.16 Private-side Loan. “Private-side Loan” means a Loan in respect of which the documentation governing its terms is not publicly available or capable of being made public without violating a law, agreement, understanding or other restriction regarding the confidentiality of such information.
Section 2.17 Seniority Level. “Seniority Level” means, with respect to an obligation of the Reference Entity,

(a) “Senior Level” or “Subordinated Level” as specified in the related Confirmation, or
(b) if no such Seniority Level is specified in the related Confirmation, “Senior Level” if the Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation is a Senior Obligation or “Subordinated Level” if the Original Non-Standard Reference Obligation is a Subordinated Obligation, failing which
(c) “Senior Level”.

Section 2.18 SRO List. “SRO List” means the list of Standard Reference Obligations as published by ISDA on its website at www.isda.org from time to time (or any successor website thereto) or by a third party designated by ISDA on its website from time to time.
Section 2.19 Substitution Date. “Substitution Date” means, with respect to a Substitute Reference Obligation, the date on which the Calculation Agent notifies the parties of the Substitute Reference Obligation that it has identified in accordance with Section 2.10 (Substitute Reference Obligation).
Section 2.20 Substitution Event Date. “Substitution Event Date” means, with respect to the Reference Obligation, the date of the occurrence of the relevant Substitution Event.
Section 2.21 Substitute Reference Obligation Resolution Request Date. “Substitute Reference Obligation Resolution Request Date” means, with respect to a notice to the DC Secretary requesting that a Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee be convened to Resolve a Substitute Reference Obligation to the Non-Standard Reference Obligation, the date, as publicly announced by the DC Secretary, that the relevant Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee Resolves to be the date on which such notice is effective.
Section 2.22 Senior Transaction. “Senior Transaction” means a Credit Derivative Transaction for which (a) the Reference Obligation or Prior Reference Obligation, as applicable, is a Senior Obligation, or (b) there is no Reference Obligation or Prior Reference Obligation.
Section 2.23 Senior Obligation. “Senior Obligation” means any obligation which is not Subordinated to any unsubordinated Borrowed Money obligation of the Reference Entity.
Section 2.24 Subordinated Transaction. “Subordinated Transaction” means a Credit Derivative Transaction for which the Reference Obligation or Prior Reference Obligation, as applicable, is a Subordinated Obligation.
Section 2.25 Subordinated Obligation. “Subordinated Obligation” means any obligation which is 'Subordinated to any unsubordinated Borrowed Money obligation of the Reference Entity or which would be so Subordinated if any unsubordinated Borrowed Money obligation of the Reference Entity existed.

Section 2.26 Further Subordinated Obligation. “Further Subordinated Obligation” means, if the Reference Obligation or Prior Reference Obligation, as applicable, is a Subordinated Obligation, any obligation which is Subordinated thereto.

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