Regex tricks

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Revision as of 09:40, 22 November 2023 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs) (→‎Microsoft Word)
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Microsoft Word

Find unpunctuated text: ([A-z ]{1,}) Find unpunctuated text with curly brackets: ([A-z \{\}]{1,}) Find punctuated text inside square brackets: \[[a-z,A-Z,0-9 \.\/\,\:]{1,}\]

Paragraph wrap

Find “paragraph 9(i)(a),” and wrap with prov tag:

Find: Paragraph ([0-9\(\)][!.,; ]{1,})
Replace: Paragraph {{nycsaprov|\1}}

If your numbering schema has full stops in it try this:

Find: Clause ([0-9\(\).][!,; ]{1,})
Replace: Clause {{ietaprov|\1}}

Indenting wikified autonumbering

  • In a word doc, make all your numbering reveal every level (eg “13(c)(vii)(B)” with the ferocity of a US securities lawyer. you can do this in the “Define Multilevel Lists” dialogue.
  • Copy your whole doc into a text-only email. It will faithfully convert all those numbers to text. You will lose the indenting. We will put it back.
  • Switch on Use wildcards in the replace dialogue.
Find: ^13([0-9]{1,}\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\)\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\)\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\))
Replace: ^13:::\1


Find: ^13([0-9]{1,}\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\)\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\))
Replace: ^13::\1


Find: ^13([0-9]{1,}\([a-z,A-Z,0-9]{1,}\))
Replace: ^13:\1


EVEN BETTER THAN THAT: In the define multilevel dialogue, add the necessary number of indenting colons into the actual word numbering

Macro Magic

Tagging everything coloured blue

  1. search and destroy
  • double spaces
  • Fields (ctrl-shift-F9)
  • bookmarks - there's a cool macro for this:
Sub RemoveAllBookmarks()

    Dim objBookmark As bookmark

    For Each objBookmark In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks



End Sub
  1. . Clear out all blue dashes - replace them with xxx
  2. . Clear out all blue apostrophes - replace them with yyy
  3. . Clear ot all blue spaces - replace them with qqq (this won't do the ones either side of the blue phrase)
  • Find: ([A-Z][a-z]{1,}) ([A-Z][a-z]{1,}) (use wildcards, font colour: blue)
  • Replace: \1qqq/2
  1. . Now your tags are all continuous blue strings. So brace them:
  • Find: <(?{1,})> (use wildcards, font colour: blue)
  • Replace: {{wikitag|\1}} (font colour blue)

Now restore spaces, apostrophes and dashes.



Any character and page blanking

To blank a page, first convert all newlines to <br>s:

/\n/  ==> <br>

Then convert all text (which now won’t include newlines):

.{1,} ==> {{jcpull}}


/{{manual\|DEQ\|2002\|([A-z 1234567890. ’()]{1,}).{1,}/ ==> {{edqmanual|$1}}

Search destroy

Convert a fullanat2 into an ISDA anat:

Find /\{\{fullanat2\|isda\|([^]]*)\|2002\|[^]]*\|1992\}\}/ 

Delete a redundant Equity Derivative Nuts:

Find: /\{\{eqderivanat\|([0-9]*.[0-9]*\([a-z]*\))}}/ 
/\{\{nuts\|Equity Derivatives\|[0-9]*.[0-9]*\([a-z]*\)\}\}/  
Replace: {{eqderivanat|$1}}