1994 NY CSA Anatomy
This is the original, folks: the one that set the whole thing off. It would only be fair to point you give you a basic overview of what the differences are between the CSAs in a high level.
Term | 1994 NY Law CSA | 1995 English Law CSA |
Governing Law | New York | England and Wales |
Collateral Transfer Model | Pledge | Outright title transfer |
Eligible collateral | Cash, government securities, corporate bonds | Cash, government securities, corporate bonds |
Owner of posted collateral | Collateral Provider | Collateral Receiver |
Holder of posted collateral | Collateral Receiver | Collateral Receiver |
Holder’s right to reuse collateral | Rehypothecation by holder allowed if enabled in the CSA | Unlimited (return obligation is “equivalent” securities only) |
That table of contents in full
Paragraph 1 Interpretation
Paragraph 1(a) Definitions and Inconsistency
Paragraph 1(b) Secured Party and Pledgor
Paragraph 1(c) Scope of this Annex and the Other CSA
Paragraph 2. Security Interest
Paragraph 3. Credit Support Obligations
Paragraph 3(a) Delivery Amount
Paragraph 3(b) Return Amount
Paragraph 4 Conditions Precedent, Transfer Timing, Calculations and Substitutions
Paragraph 4(a) Conditions Precedent
Paragraph 4(b) Transfer Timing
Paragraph 4(c) Calculations
Paragraph 4(d) Substitutions
Paragraph 5 Dispute Resolution
Paragraph 6 Holding and Using Posted Collateral (VM)
6(a) Care of Posted Collateral (VM)
6(b) Eligibility to Hold Posted Collateral (VM); Custodians (VM)
6(c) Use of Posted Collateral (VM)
6(d) Distributions, Interest Amount (VM) and Interest Payment (VM)
Paragraph 7 Events of Default
Paragraph 8 Certain Rights and Remedies
8(a) Secured Party’s Rights and Remedies
8(b) Pledgor’s Rights and Remedies
8(c) Deficiencies and Excess Proceeds
8(d) Final Returns
Paragraph 9 Representations
Paragraph 10 Expenses
10(a) General
10(b) Posted Credit Support (VM)
10(c) Liquidation/Application of Posted Credit Support (VM)
Paragraph 11 Miscellaneous
Paragraph 11(a) Default Interest
Paragraph 11(b) Further Assurances
Paragraph 11(c) Further Protection
Paragraph 11(d) Good Faith and Commercially Reasonable Manner
Paragraph 11(e) Demands and Notices
Paragraph 11(f) Specifications of Certain Matters
Paragraph 11(g) Legally Ineligible Credit Support (VM)
Paragraph 11(h) Return of Equivalent Credit Support (VM)
Paragraph 11(i) Reinstatement of Credit Support Eligibility
Paragraph 11(j) Credit Support Offsets
Paragraph 12. Definitions
Base Currency
Base Currency Equivalent
Covered Transaction
Credit Support Eligibility Condition (VM)
Custodian (VM)
Delivery Amount (VM)
Delivery Amount Reduction (VM)
Disputing Party
Eligible Collateral (VM)
Eligible Credit Support (VM)
Eligible Currency
Eligible Return Amount (VM)
Fungible Credit Support Type
FX Haircut Percentage
Interest Adjustment Reduction Amount (VM)
Interest Amount (VM)
Interest Payee (VM)
Interest Payer (VM)
Interest Payment (VM)
Interest Period
Interest Rate (VM)
Legal Eligibility Requirements
Local Business Day
Minimum Transfer Amount
Notification Time
Other CSA
Other CSA Excluded Credit Support
Other Eligible Support (VM)
Other Posted Support (VM)
Posted Collateral (VM)
Posted Credit Support (VM)
Recalculation Date
Regular Settlement Day
Resolution Time
Return Amount (VM)
Return Amount Reduction (VM)
Secured Party
Specified Condition
Substitute Credit Support (VM)
Substitution Date
Total Ineligibility Date
Transfer Ineligibility Date
Valuation Agent
Valuation Date
Valuation Date Location
Valuation Percentage
Valuation Time
Paragraph 13. Elections and Variables
- 13(a) Base Currency and Eligible Currency
- 13(b) Covered Transactions; Security Interest for Obligations; Exposure
- 13(c) Credit Support Obligations
- 13(c)(i) Delivery Amount (VM) and Return Amount (VM)
- 13(c)(ii) Eligible Collateral (VM)
- 13(c)(iii) Legally Ineligible Credit Support (VM)
- 13(c)(iv) Credit Support Eligibility Conditions (VM)
- 13(c)(v) Valuation Percentage; FX Haircut Percentage
- 13(c)(vi) Other Eligible Support (VM)
- 13(c)(vii) Minimum Transfer Amount
- 13(c)(viii) Transfer Timing
- 13(c)(i) Delivery Amount (VM) and Return Amount (VM)
- 13(d) Valuation and Timing
- 13(e) Conditions Precedent and Secured Party’s Rights and Remedies
- 13(f) Substitution
- 13(g) Dispute Resolution
- 13(h) Holding and Using Posted Collateral (VM)
- 13(i) Distributions and Interest Payment (VM)
- 13(j) Credit Support Offsets
- 13(k) Additional Representations
- 13(l) Other Eligible Support (VM) and Other Posted Support (VM)
- 13(m) Demands and Notices
- 13(n) Addresses for Transfers
- 13(o) Other CSA
- 13(p) Other Provisions
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See also
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