Distributions and Interest Amount - CSA Provision

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CSA Anatomy™

5(c) Distributions and Interest Amount.

5(c)(i) Distributions. The Transferee will transfer to the Transferor not later than the Settlement Day following each Distributions Date cash, securities or other property of the same type, nominal value, description and amount as the relevant Distributions (“Equivalent Distributions”) to the extent that a Delivery Amount would not be created or increased by the transfer, as calculated by the Valuation Agent (and the date of calculation will be deemed a Valuation Date for this purpose).
5(c)(ii) Interest Amount. Unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 11(f)(iii), the Transferee will transfer to the Transferor at the times specified in Paragraph 11(f)(ii) the relevant Interest Amount to the extent that a Delivery Amount would not be created or increased by the transfer, as calculated by the Valuation Agent (and the date of calculation will be deemed a Valuation Date for this purpose).

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5(c) Distributions and Interest Amount.

5(c)(i) Distributions. The Transferee will transfer to the Transferor not later than the Settlement Day following each Distributions Date cash, securities or other property of the same type, nominal value, description and amount as the relevant Distributions (“Equivalent Distributions”) to the extent that a Delivery Amount (VM) would not be created or increased by the transfer, as calculated by the Valuation Agent (and the date of calculation will be deemed a Valuation Date for this purpose).
5(c)(ii) Interest Payment (VM). Unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 11(g)(iv):
5(c)(ii)(A) if “Interest Transfer” is specified as applicable in Paragraph 11(g)(ii), the Interest Payer (VM) will transfer to the Interest Payee (VM), at the times specified in Paragraph 11(g)(ii) and on any Early Termination Date referred to in Paragraph 6, the relevant Interest Payment (VM), provided that if “Interest Payment Netting” is specified as applicable in Paragraph 11(g)(ii):
(I) if the Interest Payer (VM) is entitled to demand a Delivery Amount (VM) or Return Amount (VM) in respect of the date such Interest Payment (VM) is required to be transferred:
(a) such Delivery Amount (VM) or Return Amount (VM) will be reduced (but not below zero) by the Interest Payment (VM), provided that, in case of such Return Amount (VM), if the amount in the Credit Support Balance (VM) which is comprised of cash in the Base Currency is less than such Interest Payment (VM), such reduction will only be to the extent of the amount of such cash comprised in the Credit Support Balance (VM) (the “Eligible Return Amount (VM)”); and
(b) the Interest Payer (VM) will transfer to the Interest Payee (VM) the amount of the excess, if any, of such Interest Payment (VM) over such Delivery Amount (VM) or Eligible Return Amount (VM), as applicable;
(II) if under Paragraph 5(c)(ii)(A)(I)(a) a Delivery Amount (VM) is reduced (the amount of such reduction, the “Delivery Amount Reduction (VM)”) or a Return Amount (VM) is reduced (the amount of such reduction, the “Return Amount Reduction (VM)”), then for purposes of calculating the Credit Support Balance (VM) only, the Transferee will be deemed to have received an amount in cash in the Base Currency equal to any Delivery Amount Reduction (VM) and will be deemed to have transferred an amount in cash in the Base Currency equal to any Return Amount Reduction (VM), as applicable, in each case on the day on which the relevant Interest Payment (VM) was due to be transferred; and
5(c)(ii)(B) if “Interest Adjustment” is specified as applicable in Paragraph 11(g)(ii), the Credit Support Balance (VM) will be adjusted by the Transferee, at the times specified in Paragraph 11(g)(ii) and on any Early Termination Date referred to in Paragraph 6 as follows:
(I) if the Interest Amount (VM) for an Interest Period is a positive number, the Interest Amount (VM) will constitute an addition of an amount of cash in the Base Currency comprised in the Credit Support Balance (VM); and
(II) if the Interest Amount (VM) for an Interest Period is a negative number, the Interest Amount (VM) will constitute a reduction to the amount of cash in the Base Currency comprised in the Credit Support Balance (VM) in an amount (such amount, the “Interest Adjustment Reduction Amount (VM)”) equal to the absolute value of the Interest Amount (VM); provided that if the amount in the Credit Support Balance (VM) which is comprised of cash in the Base Currency is less than the Interest Adjustment Reduction Amount (VM), such reduction will only be to the extent of the amount of such cash comprised in the Credit Support Balance (VM) and the Transferor will be obliged to transfer the remainder of the Interest Adjustment Reduction Amount (VM) to the Transferee on the day that such reduction occurred.

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11(f) Distributions and Interest Amount.

11(f)(i) Interest Rate. The “Interest Rate” in relation to each Eligible Currency specified below will be:

Eligible Currency

Interest Rate

11(f)(ii) Transfer of Interest Amount. The transfer of the Interest Amount will be made on the last Local Business Day of each calendar month and on any Local Business Day that a Return Amount consisting wholly or partly of cash is transferred to the Transferor pursuant to Paragraph 2(b), unless otherwise specified here: ...
11(f)(iii) Alternative to Interest Amount. The provisions of Paragraph 5(c)(ii) will apply, unless otherwise specified here: ...

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11(g) Distributions and Interest Amount (VM)

(i) Interest Rate (VM). The “Interest Rate (VM)” in relation to each Eligible Currency specified above will be [SPECIFY].
(ii) Transfer of Interest Payment (VM) or application of Interest Amount (VM).
Interest Transfer: [Applies/does not apply].
Interest Payment Netting: [Applies/does not apply].
Interest Adjustment: [Applies/does not apply].
For the purposes of Paragraph 5(c)(ii)(B), the Credit Support Balance (VM) will be adjusted by the Transferee on or prior to the third Local Business Day of the following calendar month.
(iii) Other Interest Elections.
Negative Interest: [Applies/does not apply].
Daily Interest Compounding: [Applies/does not apply].
(iv) Alternative to Interest Amount (VM). The provisions of Paragraph 5(c)(ii) will apply.

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From the I'm sorry I asked I’m sorry I asked file. It used to be so simple, until the 2016 VM CSA came along and started confusing everything with all this talk of Interest Adjustments versus Interest Payments.

Note that the Distributions provision of Paragraph 5(c)(i) of the 1995 CSA is self-contained and does not require any adjustment in Paragraph 11, and the reference to "Distributions" in the heading of Paragraph 11(f) simply reflects the heading of Paragraph 5(c), and does not imply you need to add anything.