2013 ISDA Standard Credit Support Annex

Revision as of 09:59, 10 December 2018 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)
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The 2013 Standard CSA (or “SCSA” — not to be confused, as it commonly is, with WWF’s Stone Cold Steve Austin) as published by ISDA. A nice idea — to overhaul and standardise the old 1994 NY CSA and bring it into the 21st century, but it somewhat died on the vine because, being ISDA, they couldn't help badly overcomplicating it, and it turned out in light of Basel and IOSCO developments they’d quite badly bished the drafting<ref>See DRS’s Michael Beaton’s on that subject here.</re> and then regulatory margin was brought out, so they did it all again and the SCSA is really only a curio these days. The state-of-the-art document is the 2016 VM CSA.
