The rock show was over at last
A lot of people met the band
The rock show was awesome
It was the whooping on a horse's ass
Spank Wagon
Spank Wagon
Spank Wagon
Spank Wagon
Rock over London
Rock on Chicago
Equitable, its the power of tomorrow

If you have the first clue what this means you are more insightful connoisseur of rock 'n' roll — and for that matter the English language — than the JC. God knows what this means in English, let alone legally, but a cheeky — for which, read “random” — reference to “equitable” as the “power of tomorrow”.

Now, friends: “Equitable” isn’t even a noun. It is hard to see how an adjective could be the power of tomorrow.

See also

Plain English Anatomy™ Noun | Verb | Adjective | Adverb | Preposition | Conjunction | Latin | Germany | Flannel | Legal triplicate | Nominalisation | Murder your darlings