Original Affected Party - EFET Allowance Provision

2007 EFET General Agreement
Version 2.1(a) (Power)

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Original Affected Party in all its glory

Original Affected Party” means the person from whose account the first Unauthorised Transfer of any Allowance occurred;


See our natty emissions comparison table between the IETA, EFET and ISDA versions of emissions trading docs

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EFET: EFET Allowances AppendixEFET Allowances WikitextEFET Nutshell (premium)


Original Affected Party” is part of the Unauthorised Transfers regime, which is more or less the same in all three of the emissions trading documentation suites.


The emissions trading world is still haunted by the widescale fraud that beset it in 2010. For more on the history, see the article on emissions allowance theft.

Its reaction was to tighten up the registry system to stop miscreants nicking Allowances, and tighten up the terms in the documentation to make it harder to pass stolen Allowances, and to be more specific about the consequences of doing so. This is part of that effort. The Original Affected Party is the “OV”, so to speak: the original victim of a theft.

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  • The JC’s famous Nutshell summary of this clause
  • More detail on the background to this concept and what happens to intervening bona fide purchasers for value without notice of the fraud.

See also
