Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord.jpg
Reforming zeal by stealth, yesterday.

In which the curmudgeonly old sod puts the world to rights.
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/sləʊθ/ (n.)

1. Laziness. A restive compulsion to find an easier way of doing anything, with an ultimate goal of doing nothing at all.
2. A mammal that, by achieving 1., seems to have done perfectly well for itself.

In the Bible, “sloth” is one of the deadly sins — it may also have been one of the Seven Dwarves, come to think of it — but in the Jolly Contrarian’s estimations, at least insofar as it translates into a sort of inverse dark energy in the direction of breaking down crappy and obtuse drafting — one of the great paragonic virtues.

Here is what General Kurt Gebhard Adolf Philipp Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord[1] had to say about his officer class:

“The clever and hard-working should be General Staff.
The stupid and lazy are suited to routine duties.
The clever and lazy are qualified for highest leadership.
The stupid and hard-working will always only cause damage.”

Be a leader, folks.

See also


  1. NB, snowflakes: von Hammerstein-Equord was “an undisguised opponent” of you-know-who. One of the good guys.