Other CSA - CSA Provision

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CSA Anatomy™

Other CSA” means, unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 11, any other credit support annex or credit support deed that is in relation to, or that is a Credit Support Document in relation to, this Agreement.

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see also Paragraph 1(b), which expounds itself thus:

1(b) Scope of this Annex and the Other CSA: The only Transactions which will be relevant for the purposes of determining “Exposure” under this Annex will be the Covered Transactions specified in Paragraph 11. Each Other CSA, if any, is hereby amended such that the Transactions that will be relevant for purposes of determining “Exposure” thereunder, if any, will exclude the Covered Transactions and the Transaction constituted by this Annex. Except as provided in Paragraph 9(h), nothing in this Annex will affect the rights and obligations, if any, of either party with respect to “independent amounts” or initial margin under each Other CSA, if any, with respect to Transactions that are Covered Transactions.