Value - IM CSD Provision

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2018 ISDA Credit Support Deed (IM) (English law)

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Eng OG
Eng VM
Eng IM

Valuation in a Nutshell

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Original text:

Value” means, unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 13, for any Calculation Date (IM) or other date for which Value is calculated and subject to Paragraph 5 in the case of a dispute, with respect to:
(i) save as provided in clause (ii) below, Eligible Credit Support (IM) comprised in the Posted Credit Support (IM):
(A) an amount of Cash, the Base Currency Equivalent of such amount multiplied by (VPHFX); and
(B) a security, the Base Currency Equivalent of the bid price obtained by the Calculation Agent (IM) multiplied by (VPHFX):
VP equals the applicable Valuation Percentage; and
HFX equals the applicable FX Haircut Percentage,
provided that, for the purposes of calculating Value under Paragraph 11(a), the VP will be 100% and HFX will be zero; and
(ii) Posted Credit Support (IM) that consists of items that are, in respect of the relevant posting obligation, deemed as of such date to have a Value of zero pursuant to Paragraph 13, zero.

Calculation Date (IM)” means, unless otherwise specified in Paragraph 13, each day from, and including the date of this Deed, that is a day on which commercial banks are open for general business in at least one Calculation Date Location (IM) for Party A and at least one Calculation Date Location (IM) for Party B.
Calculation Time (IM)” has the meaning specified in Paragraph 13.
Calculation Date Location (IM)” has the meaning specified in Paragraph 13.
Valuation Percentage” means, for any item of Eligible Credit Support (IM), the percentage specified in accordance with Paragraph 13.

The varieties of ISDA CSA
Subject 1994 NY 1995 Eng 2016 VM NY 2016 VM Eng 2018 IM Eng
Preamble Pre Pre Pre Pre Pre
Interpretation 1 1 1 1 1
Security Interest 2 - 2 - 2
Credit Support Obligations 3 2 3 2 3
Transfers, Calculations and Exchanges - 3 - 3 -
Conditions Precedent, Transfer Timing, Calculations and Substitutions 4 - 4 - 4
Dispute Resolution 5 4 5 4 5
Holding and Using Posted Collateral 6 - 6 - 6
Transfer of Title, No Security Interest - 5 - 5 -
Events of Default 7 6 7 6 7
Rights and Remedies 8 - 8 - 8
Representations 9 7 9 7 9
Expenses 10 8 10 8 10
Miscellaneous 11 9 11 9 11
Definitions 12 10 12 10 12
Elections and Variables 13 11 13 11 13

Resources and Navigation


This is a collection of provisions relating to “valuation”. Clearly a pretty important part of a credit support arrangement, most of the operative provisions land in the Calculations and Dispute Resolution sections.

“Valuation ~” versus “Calculation ~”

You know that feeling you sometimes get that a business you are obliged to transact with — an insurer or a low-cost airline, for example — is deliberately making things hard for you to understand or challenge, in the hope that a large proportion of the customers simply won’t bother leaving the business to be able to charge for the service without actually providing it? Well, it seems like ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ are doing that here. For in the “Annex” versions of the CSA, ancient and modern, the Dates, Times, Locations and Agents which concern themselves with assessing the Value of the components of Credit Support are rejoice under the adjective “Valuation”. For reasons only known to a cruel almighty, the IM CSD uses the word “Calculation”. Why, readers? Why?


The 2016 VM CSA adds in the FX Haircut Percentage into the multiplier, that being (in some jurisdictions) a fairly hefty surcharge for those people who like to collateralise in a currency other than the one in which their derivatives are denominated, and also (partially) corrects the snafu about ineligible credit support, at least on a Default.

Once there is a Default, you are working things out, and FX Haircut Percentages and Valuation Percentages no longer matter because rather than assigning a notional value for the asset in the Base Currency if liquidated — and therefore giving yourself a little buffer for rainy day and so on — the rainy day has arrived. You are actually liquidating the asset, which will already have yesterday’s haircut applied to it, the counterparty isn’t to be giving you any more, and the money you raise from selling the Credit Support Balance, whether eligible or not, is real money, it really pays down your claim, and you have to account to the Defaulting Party’s administrator for anything left once you have closed out your ISDA.

Valuation/Calculation Date

The Valuation terms as between 1994 NY CSA and 1995 CSA didn’t change a great deal: here is a comparison. It got a bit more hinky with the arrival of the Modern CSAs: here’s a comparison between the 1995 and the 2016 VM CSAs.

Whereas the OG CSAs are kind of laissez-faire — yo, dudes, put whatever you like in the elections para, you know — because a credit support annex back then was a bit of a wheeze, and no-one really understood it — in the intervening 21 years ISDA’s crack drafting squad™ got all nudgy.

So they say “every business day” unless you specify something else and, like, you are not going to specify something else, are you, because regulatory rules say it has to be every day.

Note also the introduction in 2016 of a Template:Imcsdprov Valuation Date Location: each party gets to choose one, being its own hometown. If you’re off dancing the maypole, or whatever collective cultural tradition you follow in your part of the world (In the Czech Republic, I am told, at Easter the boys chase the girls round the kitchen table with riding crops. Which sounds kind fun), then you should have no fear you’ll get called on to make a collateral transfer.

Valuation/Calculation Time

The Calculation Time (IM) definition loosens up somewhat in the Modern CSAs. More discussion of that below, and here is a comparison, for the fiendishly interested.


Calculation/Valuation Date

Each day on which you can expect to exchange variation margin under a Credit Support Annex, which is:

  1. 1994 NY CSA and 1995 CSA: Whatever you specified in your elections paragraph and, the older your document is, the more likely it is to be an arbitrary and quite unnervingly long period.
  2. 2016 NY VM CSA and 2016 VM CSA: Unless otherwise specified in the elections paragraph, every day on which you’re both in the office in at least one of your Valuation Date Locations. Should the parties specify otherwise in their elections? No. Why would they? Will they? Experience suggests, for a dogged minority, they just might. Don’t be that guy.

Valuation/Calculation Time

A bit of an evolution in the concept of the Valuation/Calculation Time between the OG CSAs and Modern CSAs.

In the OG CSAs, the Valuation Time defaulted to one of close of business on the Valuation Date — which figures, intuitively — or close of business on the Local Business Day immediately before the Valuation Date — which doesn’t, as a matter of cold semantic logic make sense, but okay, the time by reference to which you calculate a value, does not have to be on the same day that you actually calculate it, as long as it has already happened. Fine. When you think about it the Calculation Time (IM) being at the close of business on a Calculation Date (IM) implies that the point in the day at which you are actually performing your valuation calculations is, well, after closing time: the bell has rung and everyone has started drifting home. That doesn’t make a lot of sense either. But hey ho.

In the Modern CSAs the Calculation Time (IM) is quite a lot looser. If you haven’t fiddled with it, the Calculation Time (IM) is the Calculation Agent (IM)’s normal time for calculating end-of-day valuations — which need not, therefore, be the actual end of the day — or any other commercially reasonable time “on the relevant day”. “Day”, not “date”, and not Calculation Date (IM), so it could still be the preceding day, but logically it doesn’t make a lot of sense (we think) to presume it could be afterwards.

Valuation Percentage

To be differentiated from an Independent Amount, the Valuation Percentage is the haircut applied to the valuation of any assets posted as Credit Support. So it is a deduction in the value of credit support provided, whereas an Independent Amount is an addition to the mark-to-market exposure under a Transaction.

“Base Currency Equivalent of bid price”

It is not unknown to amend limb (ii) to include “the Base Currency Equivalent of the bid price obtained by the Calculation Agent (IM) multiplied by the nominal amount of such security”.

This is presumably to cater for the pedantic argument — just the sort of argument that a diligent legal eagle with nothing better to do loves to run — that a “bid price” could be a percentage figure of a nominal amount, instead of a cash value, and this might upset the calculation. I mean, really.

But even if a “price” isn’t necessarily a cash amount — to be sure, trading folk do talk that way sometimes, even if most sensible working folk don’t — the idea of the “Base Currency Equivalent” of that price certainly turns it into one. You can’t exactly have “USD 86%”, can you? And if the Eligible Credit Support includes collateral other than cash or debt instruments (e.g., equities), reference to a nominal amount multiplier is potentially confusing.

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What to do with Ineligible Credit Support

See also

Template:Csa Valuation sa
