
The successor in “almost-immediately obsolete contraptions” to the telex machine, nowadays the facsimile machine is mostly useful for affording bragging rights, both for those[1] who can remember having to use them and what they were for, and those who can’t[2].

The fax was desperate the last stand of the true analogue communication: a fax started out life as a piece of paper and ended up as one: a horrid, waxy, faded piece of parchment resemblent of the loo paper you used to get in nasty educational establishments.

Granted, there was a digital component to a fax transmission — the document was digitised and send across a PABX network as a series of ones and zeroes — only to be undigitised and rendered full useless at the other end, the usable digital information lost forever in a squeal and whirr of odd boinky noises and static. So close, but so far away.

A fax that ran out of paper was an important McGuffin in the denouement of John Grisham's espievie thriller, The Firm. Not to be out-done, Hunter Barkley’s forthcoming novel is going to involve a malfunctioning telex.

See also


  1. Experience and wisdom.
  2. Youth and beauty.