This is an anatomy of the English Law Credit Support Annex.


This is one of Amwell Clear’s master agreement anatomies. Anatomies are indexed analyses of the clauses in common master agreements and regulatory handbooks. More are planned.
Anatomy™: AIFMD | CASS | COBS | Conference calls | Confis | CRR | CSA | EMIR | Equity Derivatives | FOA PCA | FUND | GMRA | GMSLA | ISDA | OSLA | PB | Swapclear | UCITS

1995 CSA Terms

Paragraph 2. Credit Support Obligations

Paragraph 2(a) Delivery Amount
Paragraph 2(b) Return Amount

Paragraph 10. Definitions

Base Currency
Base Currency Equivalent
Credit Support Amount
Credit Support Balance
Delivery Amount
Disputing Party
Distributions Date
Eligible Credit Support
Eligible Currency
Equivalent Credit Support
Equivalent Distributions
Exchange Date
Independent Amount
Interest Amount
Interest Period
Interest Rate
Local Business Day
Minimum Transfer Amount
New Credit Support
Notification Time
Recalculation Date
Resolution Time
Return Amount
Settlement Day
Valuation Agent
Valuation Date
Valuation Percentage
Valuation Time

Para 11 Elections and Variables

Paragraph 11(a): Base Currency and Eligible Currency
Paragraph 11(b): Credit Support Obligations

Paragraph 11(b)(i): Delivery Amount, Return Amount and Credit Support Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(i)(A): Delivery Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(i)(B): Return Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(i)(C): Credit Support Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(ii): Eligible Credit Support
Paragraph 11(b)(iii): Thresholds
Paragraph 11(b)(iii)(A): Independent Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(iii)(B): Threshold
Paragraph 11(b)(iii)(C): Minimum Transfer Amount
Paragraph 11(b)(iii)(D): Rounding

Paragraph 11(c): Valuation and Timing

Paragraph 11(c)(i): Valuation Agent
Paragraph 11(c)(ii): Valuation Date
Paragraph 11(c)(iii): Valuation Time
Paragraph 11(c)(iv): Notification Time

Paragraph 11(d): Exchange Date
Paragraph 11(e): Dispute Resolution

Paragraph 11(e)(i): Resolution Time
Paragraph 11(e)(ii): Value (dispute resolution)
Paragraph 11(e)(iii): Alternative

Paragraph 11(f): Distributions and Interest Amount

Paragraph 11(f)(i): Interest Rate
Paragraph 11(f)(ii): Transfer of Interest Amount
Paragraph 11(f)(iii): Alternative to Interest Amount

Paragraph 11(g): Addresses for Transfers

1994 NY CSA Terms

See Also

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