Jolly Contrarian

Revision as of 14:24, 10 October 2017 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

There is a Jolly Contrarian in all of us. You, me, him, her — each of us has an inner demon, a creative destroyer, ein glücklich widersprüchlichmensch who takes over in weaker moments, when our resolve cracks and the absurdity of our professional existence reveals itself.

If only we would let it out more often.

Then there is the Jolly Contrarian. He is a charlatan, simpleton, knave and prone to bouts of inappropriate levity. He speaks truth to the disempowered. He is a friend of Amwell J, and he writes this wiki. He has a long-suffering wife who may or may not be Prussian nobility. Not, most likely.

If you wanted to help

Now the Jolly Contrarian doesn’t advertise, and he doesn’t earn anything from this site, and that’s just fine – it’s a labour of love (and resignation) of which you are welcome to make what you will. But if you have found something you like, and you were minded to say thanks, do it this way: donate to Georgia’s Fund. Or you could snag yourself a copy of Hunter Barkley’s e-book The Montenegro Sanction. That way you get yourself a free book with a stupid but fast-paced story and you donate to Georgia’s Fund at the same time. Bonus.

Georgia’s Fund

Georgia was a brave, talented, beautiful little girl. She had a lovely smile which she wore through a whole lot of hardship. She was a great little cricketer, and she was mad about animals. Especially wolves. In October 2016 Georgia was taken away from her mum, dad and big brother, and they – and all of us in the family’s wider community – miss her terribly.

Georgia’s mum and dad have set up a fund in Georgia’s memory, which, as of what would have been Georgia’s 17th birthday in 2021, had raised around £200,000 to support research into better treatments for Neuroblastoma (through Children with Cancer UK and Neuroblastoma UK. A small portion will go to looking after wolves.

Cricket can look after itself.

The good news is that the fund is now formally registered as a charitable fund (UK charity no. 1099682), so is eligible for gift aid and all that jazz.

You can now donate easily by clicking right here.