Libtard is an excellent name for we paid-up members of the metropolitan liberal elite — and if you are reading this, I’m afraid that almost certainly means you, dear friend, for we who have truck with the world of derivatives are, by self-identification, libtards[1] — because those most discomfited by the label are those who most deserve it, tweaking as it perfectly does every righteous, passive aggressive nerve in their right-minded psyche.

The Jolly Contrarian’s Glossary
The snippy guide to financial services lingo.™
Some libtards singing imagine yesterday. No seriously, they were.
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“I hate conservatives but I really fucking hate liberals”.
—Matt Stone

And before you ask — for the avoidance of doubt, should the first person plural above have not been enough — yes, the JC is a libtard.

See also


  1. The honourable exemption being our good friends in in the Nashville negotiation community, and then only because if they admit to being libtards they’re liable to get shot at.