
This is one of Amwell Clear’s master agreement anatomies. Anatomies are indexed analyses of the clauses in common master agreements and regulatory handbooks. More are planned.
Anatomy™: AIFMD | CASS | COBS | Conference calls | Confis | CRR | CSA | EMIR | Equity Derivatives | FOA PCA | FUND | GMRA | GMSLA | ISDA | OSLA | PB | Swapclear | UCITS

Structure of the ISDA Master Agreement

1 Interpretation

1(a) Definitions
1(b) Inconsistency
1(c) Single Agreement

2 Obligations

2(a) General Conditions (incl Section 2(a)(iii))
2(b) Change of Account
2(c) Netting
2(d) Deduction or Withholding for Tax

3 Representations

3(a) Basic Representations
3(b) Absence of certain events
3(c) Absence of litigation
3(d) Accuracy of Specified Information
3(e) Payer Tax Representations
3(f) Payee Tax Representations
3(g) No Agency (2002 ISDA only)

4 Agreements

4(a) Furnish Specified Information
4(b) Maintain Authorisations
4(c) Comply with Laws
4(d) Tax Agreement
4(e) Payment of Stamp Tax

5 Events of Default and Termination Events
5(a) Events of Default
5(a)(i) Failure to Pay or Deliver
5(a)(ii) Breach of Agreement
5(a)(iii) Credit Support Default
5(a)(iv) Misrepresentation
5(a)(v) Default Under Specified Transaction
5(a)(vi) Cross Default
5(a)(vii) Bankruptcy
5(a)(viii) Merger without Assumption
5(b) Termination Events
5(b)(i) Illegality
5(b)(ii) Force Majeure Event
5(b)(iii) Tax Event
5(b)(iv) Tax Event Upon Merger
5(b)(v) Credit Event Upon Merger
5(b)(vi) Additional Termination Event
5(c) Hierarchy of Events
5(d) Deferral of Payments and Deliveries During Waiting Period
5(e) Inability of Head or Home Office to Perform Obligations of Branch

6 Early Termination

7 Transfer

8 Contractual Currency

9 Miscellaneous

9(a) Entire Agreement
9(b) Amendments
9(c) Survival of Obligations
9(d) Remedies Cumulative
9(e) Counterparts and Confirmations
9(f) No Waiver of Rights
9(g) Headings
9(h) Interest and Compensation (2002 ISDA only)

10 Offices; Multibranch Parties

11 Expenses

12 Notices

13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

14 Definitions