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Revision as of 17:28, 26 April 2017 by Amwelladmin (talk | contribs)

The last vestige of a bicameral mind. A work in progress, with 4,569 articles — you read that right —and counting. Wanna get in touch? Ping me here.

Here you will find idiosyncratic views of capital markets trading agreements, definitions booklets and other stuff, organised into evolving Anatomy™ and Nutshell guides. These may be out of date, incomplete, flippant, utter rubbish or just not there when you need them. Just so you know.

We have a bit of a thing about plain English. And buzzwords, flannel, Latin, Greek, metaphor, a literary device sadly overlooked in much modern legal documentation, and eggs.

Like The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, this site has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate. Enter at your peril. (Yes, that's a disclaimer — lest the sky should fall in on my head, or yours.)

In brief

Anatomy™: AIFMD | CASS | COBS | Conference calls | Confis | CRR | CSA | EMIR | Equity Derivatives | FOA PCA | FUND | GMRA | GMSLA | ISDA | OSLA | PB | Swapclear | UCITS

In the works

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Then let me tell you about Georgia’s Fund.